short story

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The talent contest took place in London on the first Saturday of July. This was memorable day when I felt the most important person in the world because of my win.

I prepared for the talent contest modern dance. I was training long hours without any helps. I devised my routine on the basis of movie "Step by step". This kind of dance was very time-consuming. Sometimes I felt very tired but I knew that I couldn't gave up dancing.For a good dancer also appearance is very important thus my make up was expressive. Green was dominant in my make up. For my performence I bought a special costume. It was a very colorful dress with furbelows. Model of dress was simple and classical.

The talent contest took place on one of elegant hall in London. I and my family arrived at 7 p.m. We were led to a room on the first floor. There were a lot of people. I was glad to be there. All participants were between 16 and 40 years of age. They looked very confident. We got order of performences and i started feeling a little nervous because i was the last person on a list. I had mixed emotions. The audience was very big.I have never seen such a crowded room! While i was dancing i forgot about everythink. It was amazing feeling. After my dance all audience stood up and clapped their hand in delight. I felt sa excited and proud. A few minutes later jury published participants results. I couldn't believe when I heard name of winner. It was me! For me it was a big shock. I got a huge cup and a lot of roses. I could smell the roses.I will never forgot this moment.

This day I felt like the most important person in a whole world because of a win and a lot of congatulations. I prepared for the contest without any help. I also felt so important because it was international contest and it was challenging! Participation in this event gave me sense of hapiness. After this win I become more confident.