Prosze o sprawdzenie rozprawki wyrażającej opinie na temat: Czy możliwe jest zachowanie równowagi pomiędzy życiem prywatnym i zawo

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
We live in 21st century- the times of spectacular careers and big ambitions. I think, the hard times require us a lot of sacrifaces. One of them is losing balance between private and professional life.
First and foremost, there is a common occurence called 'rat race'. Labour market is limited so employees have to do their best to keep the jobs or they will be replaced. Employers require more and more highly skilled workers therefore people are made to do extra courses and devote themselves to work. That is why, they have no time for social life, to make friends or to start a family.
Moreover, there are some professions which make juggling work and home life impossible like a truck driver or a businessman. They are out of home for most of the time. They go away on tour or on business so they have no time for their families.
Some people say that it is possible to juggle work and home life if you can set a boundaries. If you do not bring work your work to the home you are not gona lose the balance. However, tomy mind it is impossible to forget about work completely while our times are so tubulend and uncertian and we have to thing about upskilling all the time.
To conlude, as for me keeping balance between professional and private life is unfortunately impossible because of hard and demending times we live in. I thing we should keep losing for a way to do this, anyway.
the times of spectacular careers - A TIME?

the hard times - bez "the", skoro mowa o "hard times" in general

require us a lot of sacrifaces (ort)

(przedimek) Labour market

employees have to do their best to keep the jobs - WHOSE jobs?

skilled workers (przecinek lub AND) therefore people

That is why, they - bez przecinka

they have no time for social life, to make friends or to start a family - zamiast "TO DO" zmien forme na "DOING", wtedy lepiej sie to polaczy z "no time for X"

They go away on tour - zle slowo.

you can set a boundaries

If you do not bring work your work to the home you are not gona (uzywaj pelnych form. GONNA to slang) lose the (lepiej: THIS) balance

tomy mind (rozdziel)

our times are so tubulend (???pisownia!) and uncertian (ort) and we have to thing (ort) about upskilling all the time

conlude (ort)

because of (przedimek) hard and demending (ort)times we live in

I thing (ort) we should keep losing (zle slowo. Sprawdz: walczyc) for a way to do this, anyway.
Gonna = going to ;) Nie powiedzialbym ze to slang ,choć masz racje Sasha ze jest to ' strictly informal',i to zwlaszcza jest bardziej w jezyku mówionym niż pisanym. Czesto ogladam programy i ludzie chętnie skracaja ,tam gdzie sie tylko to da,.;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 19 lis 2013
OK, moze "slang" to za mocne. Colloquialism, then. :-)
Cytat: Robbertoxx
Gonna = going to ;) Nie powiedzialbym ze to slang ,choć masz racje Sasha ze jest to ' strictly informal',i to zwlaszcza jest bardziej w jezyku mówionym niż pisanym. Czesto ogladam programy i ludzie chętnie skracaja ,tam gdzie sie tylko to da,.;)

tak, no i ten jezyk smsowy tez nie pomaga w niczym. Trzeba pomyslec tak, ten kto skraca slowa (bo szkoda mu czasu na wymowienie jednego wyrazu), napewno tez bedzie szukal skroty w normalnym zyciu. Ciekawa jestem co mozna powiedziec na sytuacje, kiedy jakis lekarz cos skruci a pacjent dostanie zle lekarstwo.....


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