the times of spectacular careers - A TIME?
the hard times - bez "the", skoro mowa o "hard times" in general
us a lot of
sacrifaces (ort)
(przedimek) Labour market
employees have to do their best to keep
the jobs - WHOSE jobs?
skilled workers (przecinek lub AND) therefore people
That is why, they - bez przecinka
they have no time for social life,
to make friends or
to start a family - zamiast "TO DO" zmien forme na "DOING", wtedy lepiej sie to polaczy z "no time for X"
They go away
on tour - zle slowo.
you can set
a boundaries
If you do not bring
work your work to the home you are not
gona (uzywaj pelnych form. GONNA to slang) lose
the (lepiej: THIS) balance
tomy mind (rozdziel)
our times are so
tubulend (???pisownia!) and
uncertian (ort) and we have to
thing (ort) about upskilling all the time
conlude (ort)
because of (przedimek) hard and
demending (ort)times we live in
thing (ort) we should keep
losing (zle slowo. Sprawdz: walczyc) for a way to do this, anyway.