One of the best 'film' (tutaj ma byc l. mnoga, nawet w polskim mowisz 'filmow') which I have ever watched is "Titanic".The film tells 'about' (zrob to inaczej...the story of) real events.
The film is a 'worldwide a ship' (co?) which sank(tu cos brak) 1.912 people trawelled by ship to the USA.
The love story started when Rose((daj tu przedimek) 17 years old very rich girl) met Jack((daj tu przedimek) poor man who 'doesent' (ortog ale napisz to w calosci) have 'enything' (ortog) except (daj tu przedimek) painting talent).
This film made 1,8 bilion (czego? musisz napisac) and it won 11 Oscars for the 'best film' (nie, jeden byl za best film, reszta za cos innego).
Titanic is very 'intresting' (ortog) and it has got 'a' (niepotr) nice scenery.I 'thing' (ortog) that a lot of people cry when watching this film.'The' (zle slowo) conclude I 'thing' (ortog, dlaczego robisz takie bledy?) THAT it is a great romantic drama. I recommed everybody 'watching' (zla czesc mowy) this film , because I suppose it is an 'obligatory' (calkowicie zle slowo, nikt nie ma prawa mnie zmuszac do ogladania tego filmu) movie.
Kate Winslet (cos brak) born 5 October 1975 in Reading. (kto? musisz napisac) is an English actress and singer.
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