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best gift.

the best gift i have ever received is definitely cat which i got on my twenty-first birthday form my friends. they arranged for me a surprise party. i always told them that my the biggest dream is have a cat. pet which i can take care of. when thay gave me a Songo because i called them in this way i have tires in my eays then i started to cry - it was the most beautiful gift in my life. they gave me my dream i always wanted. first i thought it was he, but when i went to the vet he told me thaht songo is a wrong name because it's not he but she. so, i called she Chi Chi. First few days was terrible, because Chi Chi afrait of me. but about next two week eberithing has been changed and wy have became best friend ever.

the best gift i have ever received is definitely ___ cat which i got on my twenty-first birthday form my friends. they arranged for me a surprise party. i always told them that my the biggest dream is have a cat. pet which i can take care of. when thay gave me a Songo because i called them in this way i have tires in my eays then i started to cry - it was the most beautiful gift in my life. they gave me my dream i always wanted. first i thought it was __ he, but when i went to the vet he told me thaht songo is a wrong name because it's not ___ he but ___ she. so, i called she Chi Chi. First few days was terrible, because Chi Chi ___ afrait of me. but about next two week ___ eberithing has been changed and wy have became ___ best friend ever.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 24 lis 2013
+ oczywiste błędy;)
defenitely a cat
organized a surprise party for me
my biggest
cat.pet >> czyli tutaj pociągnać bez robienia nowego zdania?
materialized my dream >> ??
w luki nie wiem co wstawić
first u thought it was .... he ???
because it's not ...he but its's she
was feared
has changing ?
pełno literówek ale pisałam na szybko. można prosić jeszcze raz o pomoc
edytowany przez j_monikaa: 24 lis 2013
pet which i can take care of jakos brzmi 'niekompletnie'. Zgub kropke zamien miejscami;)
Cytat: w luki nie wiem co wstawić
W dużej części przedimki + parę innych słów;)
organized a surprise party for me
was feared
has changing ?
a te?
no i można prosić o wskazówkę czego jest brak w lukach?
materialized my dream >> ?? Jak bedzie spełnić marzenie?
myślałam bardziej urzeczywistniać
Cytat: fui_eu
the best gift i have ever received is definitely _a__ cat which i got on my twenty-first birthday from my friends. they organized a surprise party for me. i always told them that my biggest dream is have a pet, cat which i can take care of. when they gave me Songo because i called him on this way i have tears in my eyes then i started to cry - it was the most beautiful gift on my life. dreams come true thanks to them. first i thought it was a__ he, but when i went to the vet he told me that songo is a wrong name because it's not _a__ he but _it's__ she. so, i called her Chi Chi. First few days was terrible, because Chi Chi _was__ afraid of me. but about next two week ___ everything has changing and we have became _the__ best friends ever.
edytowany przez j_monikaa: 24 lis 2013
skąd tam masz "I have tears" kiedy opowiadasz o przeszłości?
nie on my life
everything CHANGED and we BECAME
my biggest dream WAS TO have a pet cat... dlaczego przecinek po pet?
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