list motywacyjny.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am writing in reference to jobs advertised on the course of the program'' Work & trawel". I'm currently staying in the United States and am interested in offering a job as a nanny for the children at a summer camp.
My name is XYZ. I live in Poland. I am 20 years of age. I graduated from technical school in Ostróda.
In the course of study in technical weekends made ​​sure the children. After graduation, I worked as a second caregiver in the nursery, and sometimes on weekends as an aid in the common school. I have a great aptitude for working with children because I am calm and patient. I also have a very large head ideas and know how to discipline the entire group of children.
I know English at a professional level. Two months ago I finished a first aid course.
I enclose my CV and a reference letter from my previous employer. I
Yours faithfully , XYZ
W jednym ze zdan wychodzi ze Ty oferujesz prace /posadę/. Zmien cos zeby było poprawnie;)
I'm currently staying in the United States and am interested in offer a job as a nanny for the children at a summer camp. A teraz bedzie dobrze.
Nie bardzo. Zamien cos miejscami;)
Kolego ja nie znam dobrze się na angielskim. Więc nie mam pojęcia które słowa mam zamienić miejscami. nie ofarniam stylistycznie i gramatycznie angielskiego.
Ok ok, a job offer as a nanny..;)
dziękuje bardzo.
Problemy z innymi zdaniami.
In the course of study in technical weekends made ​​sure the children. wiem zo to cos z dopilnowaniem? dzieci ale źle napisane.
...and sometimes on weekends as an TEACHER'S? aid in the common school. /albo FIRST AIDER?/
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.