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Breastfeeding is an integral part of motherhood. Often associated with stress, tears and a sense of helplessness because young mothers are unable entered by your child's chest. However, everything can be learned and one of the best tips for moms who have a problem with that method is trial and error.

Every woman with her child must develop a way to feed their own . Just as every pregnancy is different , like childbirth and method of feeding so must be adapted to each child individually.

The advantages of breastfeeding do not need to talk too long because studies have shown once and for all that breastfeeding is best for baby because breast milk is tailored to the needs of the child . Natural food supports normal physical and mental development of the child , and also reduces the risk of a child in the future for cancer , diabetes, youth or malocclusion and pronunciation. Feeding is a unique experience that makes the child feel more closeness, warmth and caring mother.

In addition to the benefits for the child , there are also a number of advantages for mommy . Breastfeeding makes it easy to return to pre-pregnancy figure and reduces the risk of breast cancer , ovarian and osteoporosis . Breastfeeding is also economical. Milk there is at any time ready to serve ( at night , on the road ) . In contrast, modified milk 's free and does not need to prepare , and thus sterilize bottles and teats . If mom regularly breast-feeding increases the production of prolactin . It is a hormone which improves the mood of a young mother. It is often said that the responsibility for peace in the family. Makes you patient, gentle and more resistant to the challenges of motherhood .

Positions for breastfeeding :

supine position on the side (mother and child on the side)
supine position ( on the back of the child 's mother on the belly )
classic sitting position ( the baby on the mother 's forearm , the other hand supports the breast )
Cross- sitting position ( child supported on a cushion placed on the mother's lap , one hand cover the baby's head , the other maintains the breast )
sitting position axillary ( armpit child mother supported on pillows , one hand cover the baby's head , the other maintains the breast )
In all positions ( except items armpit ) must ensure that the baby's tummy was returned to the mother's abdomen .


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