Proszę o sprawdzenie - "na wczoraj" :(

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie. Miałam napisać krótką prace na temat - jakie cechy wpłynęły na to, że Hitler był dobrym dyktatorem.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawki. Mam nadzieję, że praca ma chociaż po części ręce i nogi (dawno nie używałam angielskiego).

Hitler's reign coincided with favorable conditions in the country.
After 1st World War in Germany was a crisis and political chaos.
Hitler used this conditions and promised to people that Germany become a powerhouse of the world and most important country. He want that other countries will depend on them.
People believed and gave him right to be authority.
Hitler had charisma and temperament. He had feautres of leader, the ability to govern and also he was good at improvisation and manipulation. He was patient, stubborn and very suggestive. He had an instinct and he know how to control the audience. He could sense their moods, emotions, desires and passions. That's the reasons why people belivie in his words.
However, Hitler couldn't stand discussion and criticism. He wasn't able to calm, kind exchange views, he still screaming and yelling. That can confirm he has very strong lust of power.
All this elements of Hitler's character and the political and economic situation in Germany made that Hitler's dictatorship was continued long time.
Hitler's reign coincided with 'favorable' (nie, bo jak byl 'crisis', to raczej 'conditions' byly 'unfavourable) conditions in the country.
After '1st World War' (piszemy to inaczej 'WWI') in Germany (brakuje slowa) was a (napisz jaki) crisis and political chaos.
Hitler used 'this' (to ma sie zgadzac z 'conditions' l. mn) conditions and promised 'to' (niepotr) people that Germany (brakuje modala) become a powerhouse of the world and (tu cos brak) most important country. He 'want' (zly czas) that other countries 'will' (zly modal, tutaj 'would) depend on them.
People believed (ale komu? napisz) and gave him right to be (brak przedimka) authority (dokoncz zdanie).
He had (brak przedimka) 'feautres' (ortog) of (przedimek) leader, the ability to govern and also he was good at improvisation and manipulation.
He had an instinct and he 'know' (zly czas tutaj czas przeszly) how to control the audience.
That's the reasons why people 'belivie' (ortog ale tu czas przeszly) in his words.
He wasn't able to (cos brak) calm, 'kind exchange views' (cos tu nie tak), he still 'screaming' (daj 'screamed) and 'yelling' (yelled). That 'can' (niepotr) confirmS THAT he 'has' (zly czas) (przedimek) very strong lust 'of' FOR power.
All 'this' (l. mn) elements of Hitler's character and the political and economic situation in Germany 'made' (nie, dalj inne slowo, tutaj 'contributed) 'that' (niepotr) TO (daj to inaczej...the continuance of ) Hitler's dictatorship 'was continued' (niepotr) FOR (przedimek) long time.
Bardzo dziękuję za szybką odpowiedź:)
Starałam się poprawić zgodnie z Twoimi zaleceniami.

Hitler's reign coincided with unfavorable conditions in the country.
After WWI in Germany there was a economy crisis and political chaos.
Hitler used those conditions and promised people that Germany will become a powerhouse of the world and the most important country. He wanted that other countries would depend on them.
People believed Hitler and gave him right to be the authority of Germany.
He had the features of the leader, the ability to govern and also he was good at improvisation and manipulation.
He had an instinct and he knew how to control the audience.
That's the reasons why people believed in his words.
He wasn't able to be calm and kindly exchange his views, he still screamed and yelled. That confirms that he had a very strong lust for power.
All those elements of Hitler's character and the political and economic situation in Germany contributed to the continuance of Hitler's dictatorship for a long time.
After WWI in Germany there was aN economIC crisis and political chaos.
He wanted 'that' (ja bym to troche tutaj zmienila - FOR) other countries 'would' (niepotr) TO depend on them.
People believed Hitler and gave him THE right to be the authority of Germany.
He had the features of 'the' A leader, the ability to govern and also he was good at improvisation and manipulation.
He wasn't able to be calm and 'kindly' (to jest zle slowo, mozesz uzyc 'quietly', 'reasonably') exchange his views, he still screamed and yelled.


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