Sprawdzenie listu nieformalnego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam proszę o sprawdzenie listu i o ewentualną korektę .Pozdrawiam
Hi Thom,

I've heard you failed the driving test exam. I'm very sorry about that, but I believe in you that next time you will succeed. Must be more to learn! I'm also so glad because you invited me to Enagland! I've dreamed about London, of course I accept the invitation! I can not wait to see you walk down memory lane together and again the good old days.I would like to tell you that I read a book very cool. This is about a little boy who runs away from an orphanage. Title of the book Oliver Twist, I highly recommend you read it. This is really great!. You just have to know it is very good book and you have to read it! I'll lend you, when I'll come to you. I have to ask you something. Do you fancy to come to me next year? I think the best time would be, when I'll coming back from England! We would see Warsaw and Crackow, you just have to see that cities! I'm waiting for your response impatiently!

Your friend XYZ
Hi 'Thom,' (dziwne imnie)

I've heard (brak slowa) you failed the driving test exam. I'm very sorry about that, but I believe in you (tu dodalabym 'and') that next time you will succeed.
'Must be more to learn!' (tego zdania to nie rozumiem.
I'm also so glad because you invited me to 'Enagland!' (ortog) I've dreamed about London(,) (zamiast przecinka daj slowo 'and') of course I accept the invitation! I can not wait to see you walk down memory lane together and (tu brak czasownika) again the good old days.I would like to tell you that I read a 'book very cool' (zla kol slow).
(brak przedimka) title of the book (brak cos) Oliver Twist, I highly recommend you (brak slowa) read it. 'This' (ja dalabym IT) is really great!. You just have to 'know' (dalabym inne slowo) (brak slowa) it is (przedimek) very good book and you have to read it! I'll lend you (tu cos brak) , when I'll come to you.
Do you fancy 'to come' (zle, tutaj 'coming') to me next year? I think the best time would be, when I'll 'coming' (come) back from England! We would see Warsaw and 'Crackow' (Krakow), you just have to see 'that' (zle slowo, tutaj l. mn - those) cities! I'm waiting (dalabym tutaj impatiently) for your response impatiently!

"I can not wait to see you walk down memory lane together and..." dlaczego YOU?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 02 gru 2013
lepiej by bylo ....to 'see' (chociaz slowo 'see' mnie tutaj nie za bardzo pasuje) US walk down..
Dlaczego nie umozliwisz zeby adirozzz przynajmniej minimalnie przyczynil sie do rozpoznania i poprawienia swoich błędów. Nic dziwnego że wiele pytajacych wkleja swoje zadania bez rozwiązań i czeka na drapane od innych;)
driving test exam ----albo test albo exam
Cytat: agrafa21
driving test exam ----albo test albo exam

nie, bo 'driving test' to jest kierowanie samochodem, a 'driving test exam 'to jest egzamin pisemny ktory musi byc zdany, (nie mozna tego pisemnego nazwac 'driving exam')
Cytat: fui_eu
Dlaczego nie umozliwisz zeby adirozzz przynajmniej minimalnie przyczynil sie do rozpoznania i poprawienia swoich błędów. Nic dziwnego że wiele pytajacych wkleja swoje zadania bez rozwiązań i czeka na drapane od innych;)

tutaj akurat tylko 'dalam' pare slow, wiecej wskazalam gdzie sa bledy bez sugerowania co tam ma byc.
From horse's mouth /gov.uk/:
Driving theory test
Practical driving test
nie ma test exam;)
Cytat: fui_eu
From horse's mouth /gov.uk/:
Driving theory test
Practical driving test
nie ma test exam;)

...I was only teasing...mnaking sure that you were paying attention :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.