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A dictionary defines madness as, “1. The quality or condition of being insane, 2. Great folly, 3. Fury; rage, 4. Enthusiasm; excitement..” William Shakespeare, the writer of the tragic play “Hamlet” leaves the
audience’s to decide whether Hamlet is truly mad or not.
Hamlet's madness sources we can find in the death of his father- the King Hamlet, a premature
Hamlet’s mother marriage of uncle Claudius as well as unrequited love for Ophelia.
First of all, Hamlet is forced to act insane in order to find out the
truth about his father's death who (ojciec pojawia się jako duch) appears to him as a ghost. This raises the first bit of suspicion of madness. Moreover, the death of King Hamlet
has left a considerable damage on Hamlet, he begins to think of suicide. Secondly, Hamlet is
melancholic, bitter and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle and disgust at his mother for marrying him. Hamlet feels betrayed by his mother and is enraged with her
consequently/ that’s why, he suffers great mental anguish.
In addition Hamlet’s madness is found in Ophelia, Hamlet’s true love. Before the tragedy began, Hamlet and Ophelia were already in love, but then Hamlet
accused Ophelia of being dishonest and verbally
abused her. He feels let down by Ophelia,
he gets mad and angry at her and finally cursing his love to her.
On the other hand Hamlet’s madness seems to be faked. He
decides to pretend to be mad for his own safety so that he can plan secretly to murder Claudius without raising the suspicions of those around him.
To sum up, genuinely Hamlet has shown mental instability and madness, caused by his immediate family and loved woman
nevertheless, Hamlet’s feigned insanity comes from his passion to get revenge and grief over his father’s death.