Proszę o sprawdzenie Present Simple or Present Continuous

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego zadania, dziękuję.

1. Compleate the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Peter and Jill (1) live in a cottage in the countryside.
They (2) don't like the city. - like nie występuje w continuous
The always (3) get up at 7 am during the week.
Jill (4) doesn't go to work by car,she (5) 's catching the train and Peter (6) 's walking to work.
What(7) he do the shopping at luchtime.
Today is Monday, but Peter and Jill(12) aren't working.
Why?What (13) are they doing now?
They (14) are on holiday in the Caribbean.
They both(15) work hard during the year and they (16) are looking forward to few weeks in the sun.
At the moment Peter(17) don't teach, he (18) is swiming in the sea. Jill(19) doesn't sit in the office,she (20) is having a haircut.
Peter and Jill(21) doesn't think about work, they(22) are enjoying their holiday.
edytowany przez boskipablo: 14 sty 2014
nie jestesmy tacy glupi:

Pomoc w tym watku to odrobienie zadania za kogoś, kto nie zrobil tego samodzielnie
Nie uważam nikogo za głupiego i nikomu nie chce pomóc. Miałem ochotę zrobić to zadanie żeby poćwiczyć gramatykę... i zrobiłem zadanie sam, a teraz uprzęjmię proszę aby ktoś mi to sprawdził i tyle!
to nie jest Twoje zadanie. odrobiles je za kogos innego. takich zadan nie sprawdzamy.
jesteś strasznie uparta ;) ale ok, rozumiem
zrób inne ćwiczenie i wtedy Ci sprawdzimy
Cytat: zielonosiwy
zrób inne ćwiczenie i wtedy Ci sprawdzimy

1. Where's John? He ‘s listening to a new CD in his room.
2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always rains in England.
3. Jean works hard all day but isn’t working at the moment.
4. Look! That boy is runing after the bus. He wants to catch it.
5. He speaks German so well because he comes from Germany.
6. Shh! The boss is coming. We are meeting him in an hour and nothing is ready!
7. Do you usually go away for Christmas or are you staying at home?
8. She is holding some roses. They smells lovely.
9. Oh no! Look! It ‘s snowing again. It always snows in this country.
10. Mary swims very well, but she doesn’t run very fast.
11. Are you enjoying this party? Yes, I ‘m having a great time!
12. Sorry I can't help you. I don’t know where she keeps her files.
13. What are you doing next Saturday? Nothing special. I stay at home.
14. I think your new hat looks nice on you.
15. I live with my parents but right now I ‘m staying with some friends for a few days.
16. I can't talk on the phone now. I ‘m driving home.
17. Where are the children? They are lying on the beach over there.
18. You never listen to a word I say! You always listen to that mp3 player!
19. He doesn’t understand what you are talking about. He's foreign.
20. How much your suitcase weighs? It looks really heavy.

oto inne zadanie, które znalazłem. Poziom Intermediate... ;)
4 ortogr
7 rozne czasy to bez sensu
8 zla forma drugiego czasownika (czas ok)
13 rozne czasy to bez sensu
18 specjalne uzycie always
20 nie potrafisz tworzyc pytan
dzięki, poprawiłem ;)

4. Look! That boy is running after the bus. He wants to catch it.
7. Do you usually go away for Christmas or do you stay at home?
8. She is holding some roses. They smell lovely.
13. What are you doing next Saturday? Nothing special. I 'm staying at home.
18. You never listen to a word I say! You are always listening to that mp3 player! - tak właśnie na początku mi pasował czas PC ale wpadło mi do głowy, że always używamy w PS. tutaj zapomniałem o wyjątkowym zastosowaniu, np. niezadowolenie ;) dzięki!
20. How much does your suitcase weigh? It looks really heavy.

teraz jest ok?
Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc!!!
edytowany przez boskipablo: 14 sty 2014
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia