Proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu

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Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić mi ten essay? Chciałbym wiedzieć jakie błędy popełniłem.

Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

The earth is like the organism and contains a lot of different climates. The equator has climate without any changes. When we go further from the Equator we will see more and more changes till to the pole. So when is the best climate? In my opinion, the climate which changes several times a year.

Firstly, the climate with changes is prettier and more interesting because it contains different environments. For example in spring people are witnesses of new live. It is a really crucial moment to see, how leaves and a plenty of flowers start to grow and day starts to be longer than night. In winter, we see beautiful and white snow which is stick to trees and bushes. In spite of cold and long nights, we really want to go outside. In autumn people are witnesses of falling leaves that change their color. World around us become colorful and colder.

Secondly, in this climate we are able to do a lot of activities. When the weather is changing, activities are different. In winter people go in the mountains and go skiing and drink hot chocolate. Snowboarding is also a winter activity for brave people. In summer activities like sunbathing and traveling are become significant moments of summer. A lot of people want to swim in cold see.

However, the changing weather also contains disadvantages. Throughout a year people have to change their clothes and they start to sick. Because of the weather that become change, people start to feel sad, tired and bored. So that climate is not good for their organisms.

To sum up, living in this type of the climate can be really beautiful and unique but people have to pay attention about their health. I have never been in climate without changes but living here in my opinion is interesting.
The earth is like an organism as it contains a lot of different climates. The equator's climate doesn't change . The further we get from the equator, the more climate changes there are. So where is the best climate? In my opinion, it's the climate that changes several times a year.

Firstly, the climate which changes is prettier and more interesting, because it contains different environments. For example in spring, people witness new life. It is a really crucial moment to see, how leaves and plenty of flowers start to grow and the day starts to last longer than the night. In winter, we see beautiful, white snow, which sticks to trees and bushes. In spite of cold and long nights, we really want to go outside. In autumn, people are witnesses of falling leaves that change their color. The world around us becomes more colorful and cold..

Secondly, in this climate we are able to do a lot of activities. When the weather changes, so do the activities. In the winter, people climb up the mountains, go skiing and drink hot chocolate. Snowboarding is also a winter activity, this time for braver people. In the summer, activities such sunbathing and traveling become the most significant moments of the summer. A lot of people want to swim in the cold sea.

However, the changing weather also has disadvantages. Throughout the year, people have to change their clothes and they start to become sick. Due to the weather that changes, people start to feel sad, tired and bored. This is because such climate is not good for their organisms.

To sum it all up, living in this type of climate can be really enjoyable and unique ,however people should pay more attention to their health. I have never been to a place where the climate never changes. In my opinion, living there is not as interesting as living in a more exciting, continously changing climate

raczej nie pisz wlasnego wypracowania na motywach oryginalu. Podpowiadaj, gdzie sa bledy. Przeciez to pytajacy ma szlifowac swoj angielski.
oki sorki po prostu niektore rzeczy nie mialy sensu.
takie rzeczy sie wskazuje, tak żeby pytający 'przezyl to sam', a nie mial podane na tacy. Zakladam sie, ze Ty nie uczylas sie angielskiego, czytajac poprawki nauczyciela
A poprawa pracy na lepszą ocenę bez wysiłku ze strony autora ma sens?
A bledy to na przyklad gdzie ? Oczywiscie w zdaniu such sunbathing and... jest typo poniewaz powinno byc such as, ale jak mowie to jest typo. Pierwszy raz weszlam na wasze forum, niestety zasad nigdzie nie ma i uwazam ze lepiej zeby zdanie mialo sens niz zeby ktos zaczal uwazac tego zwrotu na codzien. Raz wystarczylo wytlumaczyc a nie jechac po czlowieku. Zmian az takich drastycznych uwazam ze nie wprowadzilam tylko sproscilam zdania, ale to podlega wlasnej opini.
edytowany przez paulina1111wikus: 27 sty 2014
Wystarczy się wczuć w rolę jego nauczyciela. Zobaczy prace po Twoim 'edytowaniu' i mysli ze barro robi postępy w języku, podczas gdy wciąż ma braki w basics;)
"Jechać po czlowieku"? Nie znasz tego forum...
Cytat: mg
"Jechać po czlowieku"? Nie znasz tego forum...

Kazdy z czasem przemyslenia dostosowuje do zasad naszego forum.
Pomoc nie polega nad dawaniem wszystkiego 'na talerzu' ale pomaganie danej osobie w nauce.
Osoba NIC sie nie nauczy 'na wlasnym ciele' jak ktos caly czas bedzie to robil za nia.
Bedziesz wiedziala na przyszlosc.
Cytat: fui_eu
Wystarczy się wczuć w rolę jego nauczyciela. Zobaczy prace po Twoim 'edytowaniu' i mysli ze barro robi postępy w języku, podczas gdy wciąż ma braki w basics;)

Właśnie uczę się gramatyki, ale mimo to kiedy piszę często zapominam podstawowych reguł, które opanowałem. Nie wiem czemu tak jest, ale staram się usuwać błędy, które popełniam. 8 lutego mam egzamin z TOEFL i mam nadzieję że zredukuję jeszcze ilość błędów do tego czasu.
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