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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of being a professional sportsman
The most of young people have to be a professional sportsman. Because they think that it is so easy - but is it truth? Let is talk about it.
One of the main advantages of being a professional sportsman is that it gives you offer to earn a lot of money, during a many sports competitions. What is more of the sport and activity argue that is healthy. Young people can keep shape and fit, they have great condition. Not to mention the fact, you can be very famous. This is a dream of many young people in all the world.
On the other hands, you need to train very hard and long. You do not have time for family and friends. This is large renunciation, especially if you have their own children. Also, during of all trains you can be very watchful. A moment of inattention and you break a bone. Could you lose everything he had worked for many years. Last but not least, all the time you need to follow a strict diet. This can be a ball and chain with weight on the result.
In conclusion, in my view, being an athlete, is a true test of character. Even if you do not really handle, sports make you stronger and prepare for future challenges in your life.

In my opinion this tekst is not good but I'm not know what is bad.
Who know what is bad?
In my opinion this text is not good but I'm do not know what is bad.
Who knows what is bad?
Zaznace gdzie sa bledy

'The' (zle slowo, nie za dobry start) most of young people 'have' (zle slowo) to be a professional 'sportsman' (cos mi tu nie pasuje - people-sportman). 'Because' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'because') they think that it is so easy - but is it truth? Let 'is' (nie rozumiem co to slowo tu robi) talk about it.
One of the main advantages of being a professional sportsman is that it 'gives you offer' (nie rozumiem tego pojecia, slowa pomieszane) to earn a lot of money, during 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj jet?) many sports competitions. What is more (tu brak pare slow) of the sport and activity argue that (brak slowa) is healthy. Young people can keep shape and (brak slowa) fit, 'they have 'g(brak przedimka) great condition' (to niema sensu - jak juz sa 'in great condition, to po co to robia?'). Not to mention the fact, (brak slowa) you can be very famous. This is a dream of many young people in all (brak slowa) the world.
On the other 'hands' (tutaj ma byc l. poj), you need to train very hard and long.
This is (przedimek) large 'renunciation' (zly register) , especially if you have 'their' (zle slowo, nie mozesz 'miec ich dzieci') own children. Also, during 'of all' (zla kol slow) 'trains' (pociagi? nie rozumiem) you can be very 'watchful' (zle slowo). A moment of inattention and you (potrzebuje modala) break a bone. (ale kto? musisz napisac) could you lose everything 'he' (dlaczego 'on'?) had worked for many years. Last (przecinek przed 'but') but not least, all the time you need to follow a strict diet. This can be a ball and chain with weight 'on the result' (tego nie rozumiem).
Even if you do not really 'handle' (cos tu nie tak) , sports make you stronger and prepare (kogo?) for future challenges in your life.


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