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Ender's Game is a science-fiction novel writen by Orson Scott Card. It has been awarded with many prestigious awards and is probably one of the most popular novels in its genre. Its succes convinced the author to write many sequels and the story it tells was recently adapted to a movie.

The book describes the close future. The humanity is in a danger of war with aliens. The special organisation looks for a rescue to prevent the final destruction of the human race. They need a candidate who will be trained to become a commander of their space fleet. Young boy called Ender seems to be a perfect choice. The most of the plot focuses on him and his education in space school.

I consider the creation of main character as the biggest advantage of the book. The author perfectly described his feelings and the changes in his mind caused by growing up in such a strange place. The way he copes with the problems which are often un proportional to his age can amaze every reader. Ender's Game is a very unpredictable and exciting book, however it has its drawbacks. The beginning may be discouraging and some details of the presented world seemed totally irrational to me.

I sincerely recommend Ender's Game to everyone who likes good novels.
Ender's Game is a science-fiction novel writen (literówka) by Orson Scott Card. It has been awarded with many prestigious awards and is probably one of the most popular novels in its genre. Its succes (literówka) convinced the author to write many sequels and the story it (można odnieść wrażenie, że to “it” odnisi się do sequels, l. mnoga, nie widziałem filmu, nie wiem czy jest oparty na tej jednej książcze czy na kolejnych też)tells was recently adapted to a movie.

The book describes the close (jest takie słowo na “n”) future. The humanity is in a (tu się chyba nie stawia przedimaka) danger of (przedimek)war with aliens. The special organisation (literówka) looks for a rescue to prevent the final destruction of the human race. They need a candidate who will be trained to become a commander of their space fleet. (przedimek) Young boy called (można użyć innego słowa, podpowiedź: imię) Ender seems to be a perfect choice. The most of the plot focuses on him and his education in (przedimek)space school.

I consider the creation of (przedimek)main character as the biggest advantage of the book. The author perfectly described his feelings and the changes in his mind caused by growing up in such a strange place. The way he copes with the problems which are often un (połączyć)proportional to his age can amaze every reader. Ender's Game is a very unpredictable and exciting book, however it has its drawbacks. The beginning may be discouraging and some details of the presented world seemed totally irrational to me.

I sincerely recommend Ender's Game to everyone who likes good novels.
edytowany przez browar25: 03 kwi 2014
Dzieki. Jeszcze tylko dla sprostowania: czy konstrukcja Young boy called Ender jest niepoprawna?
W moim personalnym odczuciu ładniej brzmi named. Called pewnie też jest akceptowalne w języku potocznym. Zdaje mi się, że w przypadku jakbyś chciał powiedzieć czyjąś ksywkę, np. o człowieku potężnej postury. A man called grizzly bear. To called jest jak najbardziej ok. A jak imię i w tego typu tekście, to chyba bardziej pasuje named. Może ktoś dorzuci jeszcze jakąś opinię. Sam jestem ciekaw.
It has been awarded 'with' (nie jestem pewna, ale ja nie uzylabym 'with' tutaj) many prestigious awards and is probably one of the most popular novels in its genre. Its succes (literówka) convinced the author to write many sequels and the story it (to nie jest wyraznie napisane - 'it' tutaj odnosi sie do Ender's Game, ale po co pisac o innych wlasnie w tym miejscu. Mozna na koncu zdania) tells was recently adapted to a movie.

The book describes the 'close' (zle slowo) future.
The (niepotr) humanity....zacznij zdanie z Humanity...
'The' (zly przediumek) special organisation (literówka- w BrE-s w AmE-z) looks for a rescue to prevent the final destruction of the human race.
'The' (niepotr) Most of the plot focuses on him and his education in (przedimek)space school.


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