mam fatalny styl gramatyczny wieem :) potrzebuje kogoś kto naprowadzi mnie na właściwą ścieżke :p
Dear Mr. Blower
I have just read your article titled „Modern Young People” In today’s edition of the “NEWSWEEK” and I would like to congratulate on a professional approach to the subject of bad cultural situation in the world of teenagers. I write to bring my conclusions to your attention about they are not use to read books or go to the exhibitions to the galleries, they are drinks a lot of alcohol and they doing a lot of other unhealthy bad things. I would like to tell you on beholt of a group of students from our school that we are not demoralized how you think. First of all, our generation is a society of a smart , talented fascinating characters where everybody has something important and cool to tell and do on everyday. For example my sister Lucy one year older than me is an actress and perfomancing on the stages most populars theatres in a whole New York. For another example my classmate Sebastian has this kind of inspiration when he has it he always creations a lot of musician masterpieces with his post rock band. It is why I think that our generation is wonderufll and creative. Maybe we not especially like going to the museums or theatres. All of this is because we need to express our emotions and feelings in our masterpieces produced by ourself. This fact made us individual artists and I am proud because of this.
I hope you will publish my letter in your magazine.
I am curious to know what other readers think about this article.
I look forward to hearing from you
Your Faithfully,
edytowany przez worstnightmare: 27 kwi 2014