inwersja emfaza

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Uzupełnij zdania uzywajac słów w nawiasach. (emfaza,inwersja)
Wytłuszczone jest to co trzeba było uzupełnić.
1. Did you meet Marlon Brando in Hollywood?
(met) Was you met Marlon Brando in Hollywood?
2. The committee doesn't want to accept any new members to the club.
(is) What the committee doesn't is to accept any new members to the club.
3. He said he was coming with us.
(say) He did say that he was coming with us.
4. He only ask for help when he is really desperate.
(ask) Only when he is really desperate does he ask for help.
5.If I see him, I'll give him your massage.
(should) I'll give him your massage, should I see him.
6. Tom never seeems worried about his future.
(seem) Never have Tom seems worried about his future.
7. The army marched forward into battle.
(marched) Forward were the army marched into battle.
8. Her parents and her friends warned her not to go alone.
(as) Her parents warned her not to go alone as did friends.
9. Unemplyment hasn't been at such a high level at any time since 1930's
(been) Not since the 1930's has unemployment been at such high level.
10. I only watch television if i don't have anything else to do.
(do) Only when i have nothing else to do, do i watch television.
11. Bob forgot this mother's birthday and his sister's too.
(did) Bob didn't remember his mother's birthday, too did his sister.
12. Why did you leave work early today?
(that) Why was you left work early today.
13. It was impossible for us to have a day off work.
(colud) On no occount could we have a day off work.
14. You had to be lucky to discover gold in those days.
(could) Inly if you lucky could you discover gold in those days.
Cytat: rarw
Uzupełnij zdania uzywajac słów w nawiasach. (emfaza,inwersja)
Wytłuszczone jest to co trzeba było uzupełnić.
1. Did you meet Marlon Brando in Hollywood?
(met) Was you met Marlon Brando in Hollywood? NIE, PODEJRZEWAM ,ZE TRZEBA UZYC KONSTRUKCJI TYPU 'IT WAS YOU WHO...'
2. The committee doesn't want to accept any new members to the club.
(is) What the committee doesn't is BRAK CZASOWNIKA to accept any new members to the club.
3. He said he was coming with us.
(say) He did say that he was coming with us.OK
4. He only ask NIEGRAMATYCZNE for help when he is really desperate.
(ask) Only when he is really desperate does he ask for help.OK
5.If I see him, I'll give him your massage. CO MU DASZ?
(should) I'll give him your massage, should I see him.OK
6. Tom never seeems worried about his future.
(seem) Never have Tom seems worried about his future.SIMPLE PRESENT
7. The army marched forward into battle.
(marched) Forward were the army marched into battle.TO JEST FULL VERB INVERSION
8. Her parents and her friends warned her not to go alone.
(as) Her parents warned her not to go alone as did BRAK SLOWA friends.
9. Unemplyment hasn't been at such a high level at any time since 1930's
(been) Not since the 1930's has unemployment been at such A high level.OK
10. I only watch television if i don't have anything else to do.
(do) Only when i have nothing else to do, do i watch television.OK
11. Bob forgot this mother's birthday and his sister's too.
(did) Bob didn't remember his mother's birthday, too did his sister.NIE ZROZUMIALES ORYGINALU.
12. Why did you leave work early today?
(that) Why was you left work early today.BEZ SENSU. JAKI BYL POWOD...
13. It was impossible for us to have a day off work.
(colud) On no occount could we have a day off work.OK
14. You had to be lucky to discover gold in those days.
(could) Inly if you lucky could you discover gold in those days.
14. You had to be lucky to discover gold in those days.
(could) Only if you had be lucky could you discover gold in those days.
12. Why did you leave work early today?
(that) Why was that you left work early today.
11. Bob forgot his mother's birthday and his sister's too.
(did) Bob didn't remember his mother's birthday, as did his sister. (nie wiem zupełnie)
8. Her parents and her friends warned her not to go alone.
(as) Her parents warned her not to go alone as did her friends.
6. Tom never seeems worried about his future.
(seem) Never is Tom seems worried about his future.
7. The army marched forward into battle.
(marched) Forward were the army marched into battle.
1. Did you meet Marlon Brando in Hollywood?
(met) Was it you who met Marlon Brando in Hollywood?
2. The committee doesn't want to accept any new members to the club.
(is) What the committee doesn't is want to accept any new members to the club.
14. zupelnie niegramatycznie. Uzyj simple past, ale Ty nawet nie utworzyles poprawnego zdania
12 nie, nie stosujesz sie do moich wskazowek
11 nie rozumiesz zdania. Co znaczy "sister's"?
8 ok
6 niegramatyczne. Mieszasz czasy, to chyba za trudny material
7 poczytaj o full verb inversion
1 ok
2 przenies want w inne miejsce. Umiejscowienie mojej podpowiedzi moglo Cie zmylic
14. You had to be lucky to discover gold in those days.
(could) Only if you were lucky could you discover gold in those days.
11. Bob forgot his mother's birthday and his sister's too.
(did) Bob didn't remember his mother's birthday, nor did his sister.
12. Why did you leave work early today?
(that) Why was it that you left work early today.
7. The army marched forward into battle.
(marched) Forward marched the army into battle.
6. Tom never seeems worried about his future.
(seem) Never does Tom seem worried about his future.


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