
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam proszę o sprawdzenie odpowiedzi do testów-moje typy podkreślone. jeśli któreś są pominięte proszę o podpowiedz albo swoja propozycje

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

1)Which option is NOT correct? He hadn’t done anything_____ they were accusing him of.
a) (no pronoun)
b) that
c) which
d) what

2)No one must leave the room.
She said no one was to leave the room.

3)That he will come is not certain at all. =It’s by_________ certain that he will come.
4)He married her, ______ he loved her.
a) whilst
c)inasmuch as
d)owing to

5)The manager was rude.I was put through to the manager.
The manager__________ I was put through was rude.
d)to who
f)to whom

6)Don’t speak to me like that again=On no account speak to me like that again.

7)The trouble started when the police arrived=It was when_______ the trouble started.

8)My dog is a dachshund.It’s six years old.
My dog, which is six years old, is a dachshund.

9)Which option is NOT correct?
a)That’s the school in which I study.
b)That’s the school I study in.
c)That’s the school in that I study.
d)That’s the school that I study in.
e)That’s the school where I study.

10)Mr Smith works with me.I borrowed the car from his son.
Mr Smith,______son I borrowed the car ,works with me.
a)from that
b)from whose
e)from whom

11)’It’s time the government stopped the rising unemployment’-shouted the union leader=The union leader__________the government to stop the rising unemployment.
a)called on

12)If I won the lottery,I’d set up my own company.
Were I win the lottery, I’d set up my own company.

13)’Don’t approach the lions’cage too close”-said the zoo keeper =The zoo keeper warned to not to approach the lions cage to close.

14)Which sentence is NOT correct?
a)Up from the chair stood Jim.
b)What she did was do him in.
c)Not until she is in trouble will she call you.
d)Well did he remember the night the fire broke out
e)If I should I change my mind,I’ll let you know.

15)John said ‘I was hoping to buy a bigger car” (But he didn’t het a loan).
John said he _________________________________ to buy a bigger car.

16)Although Joe is poor, he somehow managed to save up for a new bike.
In________________ poor Joe somehow managed to save up for a new bike.

17)The cake was delicious,so we had another one=It was so_________cake that we had another one.

18)This is an arrangement _______ students from each partner institution stay in the home of their educational twin.
b)at which

19)Which option is correct?The candidates currently ___________ are all in the conference room.
b)been interviewed
d)being interviewed

20)Although it may seem strange,our boss doesn’t speak English=Strange _________ our boos doesn’t speak English

21)The bag is too heavy, and I can’t carry it.
It’s__________bag for me to carry.

22)I didn’t know about the meeting and that’s why I didn’t attend it.
Had I____________ about the meeting,I’d have attended it.

23)It was only when the plane landed that I unfastened the seatbelt.
Not until the plane landed had I unfastened the seatbelt.

24)Which sentence does NOT mean the same as the others?

a)The authorities introduced a curfew by virtue of recent riots.
b)The authorities introduced a curfew on account of recent riots.
c)In the light of recent riots the authorites introduced a curfew.
d)In view of recent riots the authorities introduced a curfew.
e)For all the recent riots,the authorities introduced a curfew.

25)The heat was so great that a few people fainted.=Such _____________ that few people fainted.

26) She wa wearning dark glasses _________be recognized by paparazzi.
a)in order that not to
b)so that not to
c)in order not to
d)so as to not

27)As soon as she took the exam,she flew to Italy.
a)No sooner did she take the exam that she had flown to Italy.
b)No sooner she had taken the exam that did she fly to Italy.
c)No sooner had she taken the exam than she flew to Italy.
d)No sooner had she taken the exam when she flew to Italy.
e)No sooner did she take the exam than she flew to Italy.

28)”Mary twisted her ankle while she was climbing the ladder”
I told the doctor that Mary twisted her ankle while she was climbing the ladder.

29)”You must visit us one day”-said Ola.Ola insisted on___________ her one day.

30)She set up the alarm clock so that she would’t oversleep.
She set up the alarm clock so as not to oversleep.

31)Our boss demanded that Robert___________(apologise) to me for causing me such a difficulty.

32)’You won’t succeed unless you work hard”= Only by working hard will you succeed.

33)You cannot board the train unless it has stopped. (Don’t use a comma)
Only when the train stop board it.

34)Which sentence does NOT mean the same as others?

a)Even though I didn’t switch on the light, I woke up the children.
b)I didn’t switch on the light so that I wouldn’t wake up the children.
c)Not wanting to wake up the children I didn’t switch on the light.
d)I didn’t switch on the light so as not to wake up the children
e)I didn’t switch on the light in case I woke up the children.

35)Which sentence does NOT mean the same as the others?
a)Well-heeled as he was,he was a mean old scrooge.
b)He was well-heeled and yet he was a mean old scrooge.
c)Even though he was well-heeled,he was a mean old scrooge
d)Despite being well-heeled he was a mean old scrooge
e)Considering that he was well-heeled,he was a mean old scrooge.

36)It’s how she treats her children that I disapprove of=
________________________ is how she treats her children.

37)Helen’s dark and green-eyed.Her twin sister Sue,however,fair and blue-eyed.
Helen’s dark and green-eyed________.Sue’s fair and blue-eyed.

38)The house must have been burgled=The house looked as though it had been burgled.

39)’’Why don’t we revise grammar before the test?” said Ania to her schoolmates.
Ania suggested revising grammar before the test.

40)Joe said, “Look! The door’s open. Mary must be at home.”
Joe said that the door was open and so Mary must be at home.

Zerknie ktos?

3)That he will come is not certain at all. =It’s by_________ certain that he will come. (musisz sam cos wymyslec)

4)He married her, ______ he loved her.
a) whilst
c)inasmuch as
d)owing to - to jest zle, zeby to bylo dobrze, to zdanie musialo by byc...He married her, owing to the fact that he loved her. Pomysl to inaczej.

5) ok

7)The trouble started when the police arrived=It was when_______ the trouble started. (sam musisz dokonczyc)

8) ok, tylko jak mowimy o ludziach, psach - zywych istotach, to dajemy WHO

9) ok
10) ok
11) ok

12)If I won the lottery,I’d set up my own company.
Were I
win (nie za bardzo, musi byc were I TO win...)

13)’Don’t approach the lions’cage too close”-said the zoo keeper =The zoo keeper warned 'to' (niepotr) not to approach the lions cage toO close.

14) ok

15)John said ‘I was hoping to buy a bigger car” (But he didn’t het a loan).
John said he _________________________________ to buy a bigger car. (musisz sam poprawic)

16)Although Joe is poor, he somehow managed to save up for a new bike.
In________________ poor Joe somehow managed to save up for a new bike. (zrob sam)

17)The cake was delicious,so we had another one=It was 'so' (chyba to jest zle- tutaj moze byc 'such')_________cake that we had another one. (zrob sam)

18) ok

19)Which option is correct?The candidates currently ___________ are all in the conference room.
b)been interviewed
d)being interviewed....nie, tutaj masz zle, chyba mowia o ludziach, ktorzy jeszcze w tym momencie sa pytani.

20)Although it may seem strange,our boss doesn’t speak English=Strange _________ our boos doesn’t speak English...(zrob sam)

21)The bag is too heavy, and I can’t carry it.
It’s__________bag for me to carry. (zrob sam)

22)I didn’t know about the meeting and that’s why I didn’t attend it.
Had I____________ about the meeting,I’d have attended it. (zrob sam)

23) ok
24) mnie sie wydaje, ze masz to ok.

25)The heat was so great that a few people fainted.=Such _____________ that few people fainted. (zrob to sam)

26) OK

27)As soon as she took the exam,she flew to Italy.
a)No sooner did she take the exam that she had flown to Italy.
b)No sooner she had taken the exam that did she fly to Italy.
c)No sooner had she taken the exam than she flew to Italy.
d)No sooner had she taken the exam when she flew to Italy.
e)No sooner did she take the exam than she flew to Italy.
(mnie sie wydaje, ze tutaj masz zla odpowiedz)

28) ok

29)”You must visit us one day”-said Ola.Ola insisted on___________ her one day. (zrob sam)

30) ok

31)Our boss demanded that Robert___________(apologise) to me for causing me such a difficulty.
(zrob to sam - dasz rady)

32) ok

33)You cannot board the train unless it has stopped. (Don’t use a comma)
Only when the train stop board it. (tutaj masz niedokonczone zdanie, musisz napisac 'kto' i pamietaj, ze 'train' to it'-3os.l.poj

34)Which sentence does NOT mean the same as others?
a)Even though I didn’t switch on the light, I woke up the children.
b)I didn’t switch on the light so that I wouldn’t wake up the children.
c)Not wanting to wake up the children I didn’t switch on the light.
d)I didn’t switch on the light so as not to wake up the children
e)I didn’t switch on the light in case I woke up the children.
(tutaj nie zaznaczyles twojej odpowiedzi)

35) wg mnie ok

36)It’s how she treats her children that I disapprove of=
________________________ is how she treats her children. (zrob sam)

37)Helen’s dark and green-eyed.Her twin sister Sue,however,fair and blue-eyed.
Helen’s dark and green-eyed________.Sue’s fair and blue-eyed. (zrob sam, tam brakuje jednego slowa)

38) ok
39) ok
40) ok

Na drugi raz, nie dawaj wszystkich pytan na raz. To jest bardzo trudno czytac, a mamy bardzo male pole na 'szybka odpowiedz' i niekiedy tam nie mieszcza sie wszystkie opcje.
no wlasnie niektore moje odpowiedzi byly 'niewidzialne.. Ok poprawione co jeszcze jest nie tak?

1)Which option is NOT correct? He hadn’t done anything_____ they were accusing him of.
a) (no pronoun)
b) that
c) which
d) what

2)No one must leave the room.
She said no one was to leave the room.

3)That he will come is not certain at all. =It’s by no means certain that he will come.

4)He married her, whilst he loved her.
a) whilst
c)inasmuch as
d)owing to

5)The manager was rude.I was put through to the manager.
The manager__________ I was put through was rude.
d)to who
f)to whom

6)Don’t speak to me like that again=On no account speak to me like that again.

7)The trouble started when the police arrived=It was when the police arrived the trouble started.

8)My dog is a dachshund.It’s six years old.
My dog, which is six years old, is a dachshund.

9)Which option is NOT correct?
a)That’s the school in which I study.
b)That’s the school I study in.
c)That’s the school in that I study.
d)That’s the school that I study in.
e)That’s the school where I study.

10)Mr Smith works with me.I borrowed the car from his son.
Mr Smith,______son I borrowed the car ,works with me.
a)from that
b)from whose
e)from whom

11)’It’s time the government stopped the rising unemployment’-shouted the union leader=The union leader__________the government to stop the rising unemployment.
a)called on

12)If I won the lottery,I’d set up my own company.
Were I won the lottery, I’d set up my own company.

13)’Don’t approach the lions’cage too close”-said the zoo keeper =The zoo keeper warned not to approach the lions cage to close.

14)Which sentence is NOT correct?
a)Up from the chair stood Jim.
b)What she did was do him in.
c)Not until she is in trouble will she call you.
d)Well did he remember the night the fire broke out
e)If I should I change my mind,I’ll let you know.

15)John said ‘I was hoping to buy a bigger car” (But he didn’t het a loan).
John said he was hoping to buy a bigger car.

16)Although Joe is poor, he somehow managed to save up for a new bike.
In addition to being(?) poor Joe somehow managed to save up for a new bike.

17)The cake was delicious,so we had another one=It was so delicious a cake that we had another one.
( tu musi byc uzyte so- tak jest w zadaniu.

18)This is an arrangement _______ students from each partner institution stay in the home of their educational twin.
b)at which

19)Which option is correct? The candidates currently ___________ are all in the conference room.
b)been interviewed
d)being interviewed

20)Although it may seem strange, our boss doesn’t speak English=Strange as it may seem our boss doesn’t speak English
21)The bag is too heavy, and I can’t carry it.
It’s too heavy a bag for me to carry.

22)I didn’t know about the meeting and that’s why I didn’t attend it.
Had I knew about the meeting, I’d have attended it.

23)It was only when the plane landed that I unfastened the seatbelt.
Not until the plane landed had I unfastened the seatbelt.

25)The heat was so great that a few people fainted.=Such was great the heat that few people fainted.

28)”Mary twisted her ankle while she was climbing the ladder”
I told the doctor that Mary twisted her ankle while she was climbing the ladder.

29)”You must visit us one day”-said Ola.Ola insisted on visiting her one day.

30)She set up the alarm clock so that she would’t oversleep.
She set up the alarm clock so as not to oversleep.

31)Our boss demanded that Robert must apologise (apologise) to me for causing me such a difficulty.

32)’You won’t succeed unless you work hard”= Only by working hard will you succeed.

33)You cannot board the train unless it has stopped. (Don’t use a comma)
Only when the train stops we board it.

e)I didn’t switch on the light in case I woke up the children.

36)It’s how she treats her children that I disapprove of=
________________________ is how she treats her children. (tu kompletnie nie mam pomyslu..pewnie jakas prosta utarta fraza..)

37)Helen’s dark and green-eyed.Her twin sister Sue ,however,fair and blue-eyed.
Helen’s dark and green-eyed as Sue’s fair and blue-eyed.

38)The house must have been burgled=The house looked as though it had been burgled.

39)’’Why don’t we revise grammar before the test?” said Ania to her schoolmates.
Ania suggested revising grammar before the test.

40)Joe said, “Look! The door’s open. Mary must be at home.”
Joe said that the door was open and so Mary must be at home.


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