Sprawdzenie reported speech

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. He told “I fell downstairs”
He told me that he had fallen downstairs.

2. She asked “Did he want to speak to you”
She asked me if he wanted to speak to me.

3. He says “They do not know you”
He says they do not know me.

4. He told “Hurry up if you want to go out with me”
He told me to hurry up if I want to go with him
5. She asks “Were they waiting outside?”
She asks me if they were waiting outside.

6. We have asked “Is she still waiting?”
We have asked if she is still waiting.

7. They said “They were ill yesterday”
They said that we had been ill the day before.

8. He asked “ Where has he put my pencil?”
He asked me where he had put his pencil.

9. She asks “ Are my shoes cleaned yet?”
She asks if her shoes are cleaned yet.

10. He asked “Tell me when it is quarter past seven”
He asked to tell him when it is quarter past seven

bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie :)
2 brak nastepstwa czasow, ma byc jak w 1
4 brak nastepstwa czasow
8 inny 'he', uzyj np. imienia
10 brak nastepstwa czasow

po 'ask' nie jest konieczne dodanie 'me/him' itp.
1. He told “I fell downstairs”
He told me that he had fallen downstairs.

2. She asked “Did he want to speak to you”
She asked me if he had wanted to speak to me.

3. He says “They do not know you”
He says they do not know me.

4. He told “Hurry up if you want to go out with me”
He told me to hurry up if I wanted to go with him.
5. She asks “Were they waiting outside?”
She asks me if they were waiting outside.

6. We have asked “Is she still waiting?”
We have asked if she is still waiting.

7. They said “They were ill yesterday”
They said that we had been ill the day before.

8. He asked “ Where has he put my pencil?”
He asked me where he had put his pencil.

9. She asks “ Are my shoes cleaned yet?”
She asks me if her shoes are cleaned yet.

10. He asked “Tell me when it is quarter past seven”
He asked to tell him when it was quarter past seven
teraz git? oprócz tego 8.
niepokoki mnie poczatek zdan wyjasdciowych w 1 i 4
zawsze sie mowi 'he told me/him', a tam brakuje 'me'
Jaki podrecznik podaje niegramatyczne przyklady, a moze sam musiales ulozyc oba zdania w kazdej parze?
Pierwsze zdania są pisane przez nauczyciela, chyba sam je wymyślał.
i dzięki bardzo za sprawdzenie ; )
albo nauczyciel sie pomylił, albo źle przepisałeś
he told jest źle, albo he said, albo he told me
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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