4 krótkie prace do oceny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień dobry!
Chciałbym prosić o poświęcenie czasu i ocenę moich prac. Z góry zaznaczam że j.angielski jest moją piętą achillesową. Proszę o sprawdzenie zgodności prac z tematem oraz wskazanie największych błędów. Jeżeli którąś pracę będzie trzeba napisać od nowa to oczywiście to zrobię . Z góry dziękuję za poświęcony czas i wstawiam prace i tematy.

Dear Sir
I writting in connection with Your management course offer for me.
I am really intrested this idea.
Propably this course raise my skills and i will more useful for company. Last i fund very intresting offer. „Super High School” organizes this course In days July 6-8 and September 14-16 In my opinion better is second solution because our company have break
In September. Course lead will Jan Kowalski from Warsaw University.This course
help me in daily work and create good relations with workers and customers. Second adventages is this that we will work in small group. This raise level of education. Additionally if we book the course in this month we get 5% .
To sum up i think that this is the best offer. I hope that you will take into account my letter.
Yours faithfully
Imię Nazwisko

Dear Madam

I am writting on behalf of the „Jango” Multinationals Corporation which is kitchen furniture manufacturer.
We have departments in lots of country. Majority in EU and U.S.A. We employ 200 000 people in diffrent places. Last we start selling in Poland and we employ very good agency which prepare original advertising campaign. Today deppartments in Warsaw is one of the most profitable departments in Europa. Now we understand that advertising is very important. Advertising should be directed mainly to young familie and should not be to aggressive. We expect integraded campaign in TV, newspapers and Internet. We choose You because Westgate & Steyne is old agency with long traditions and we appreciate it. I hope that we can meet in our Office in London if this is not problem for You?
I hope for successful cooperation.

Yours faithfully

Dear Sir

I writting because i prepare opinion about removals companies. You were right, this is very difficult choice.
I think about two companies; „A to Z” and „Windspeed”. Fyrstli offer „A to Z” is more expensive, this is not good information because we have not a lot of money. From the other side „A to Z” propose full packing services and hi-tech equipment expert. This is our the big gest problem. Secondly „A to Z” is member Road Haulage Association. This is big adventages. Both companies offer surveys and estimate but Windspeed offer it free. „Windspeed” offer international services but we dont need it.
To sum up choice is really difficult. I think that „A to Z” is better company but if we have not enought money we should choose „Windspeed”
Yours faithfully

I conducted an analysis diffrent loctions for our company. We need good place but we have not money to rent an appartment in town centre.
I think that the best location is north town. There are modern and exclusive appartments. They are suitable for executives. Very important is fact that price of the appartments are very attractive and available. In my opinion other location have more disatventages. From the south/west town is far to motorway. In north city is far to goods yard but we ship mostly goods by roads. Secondly thing, i now that we can Get grant from EU. We must Simple create good business plan. We can get 100 000 E.
To sum up i think that the best place is north town. In the future this will the most beautifful place in town.
Nie wiedziałem jak podać tematy bo są w innym formacie i nie mogę ich skopiować. Wstawiam link z któego można pobrać.

edytowany przez tomme4: 02 lip 2014
nie potrafie pobrac tematow. Nie bede niczego instalowal.

Dear Sir
I BRAK SLOWA writting<-ORTOGR in connection with Your <-MALA LITERA management course offer for me.
I am really intrested<-ORTOGR BRAK SLOWA this idea.
Propably<-ORTOGR this course raise ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA my skills and i will BRAK CZASOWNIKA 'BYĆ' more useful for PRZEDIMEK company. Last NIE ROZUMIEM i PRAWDOPODOBNIE ZLY CZAS fund <-ORTOGR very intresting->ORTOGR offer. „Super High School” organizes this course In days DOSLOWNE Z POLSKIEGO July 6-8 and September 14-16 In my opinion better ZLY SZYK ZDANIA is second solution because our company have ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA PRZEDIMEK break
In September. Course lead will TLUMACZYSZ SLOWO W SLOWO Z POLSKIEGO Jan Kowalski from Warsaw University.This course
help ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA me in daily work and create TU TEZ good relations with workers and customers. Second adventages ORTOGR POZA TYM NAPISALEM 'DRUGA ZALETY' is this that we will work in PRZEDIMEK small group. This raise ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA level of education. Additionally if we book the course in this month we get 5% CO, TYLKO 5% ZAJĘĆ.
To sum up i<-WIELKA LITERA think that this is the best offer. I hope that you will take into account my letter INTO ACCOUNT.
Yours faithfully
Imię Nazwisko

po pierwsze uzywaj czasownikow w poprawnej formie, np. the course does, looks, helps
po drugie tlumaczenie doslowne daje bzdury. Takich rzeczy nie bede sprawdzal.
po trzecie literowki.
popraw te najwazniejsze bledy we wszystkich pracach i daj do sprawdzenia