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Hi Niro,
How are you? I hope you are well!
During the last lesson I did interviews with three people: Manuel, Lorena and Daniela and I’d like share results with you.
First of all, I had some questions about biggest regret. Very toft query at the beginning. Single answers were completely different. Manuel told me he should have finished his degree early. Lorena used to ride a bike, currently she’s regret stopped that and probably she’ll never try again. Moreover, Daniela were answer she should have started English course when she were young, parallel like me.
I also wanted some information about hobby. Manuel likes to play football, however currently he doesn’t have time for that. Lorena loves salsa, nevertheless she never tried salsa lesson in London. To my amazement Daniela said she doesn’t have any hobby.
My respondents give me also the feedback why they came to England. Altogether want to improve they English and they agree this English course is better than in the inborn country. Personally, I think is very good opportunity for study English in London because teachers have big experiences to teach people from other countries. They’ve knowledge what exactly you need to know.
I’ve been working as a chef, so I was inquisitive what kind of food they like. Answers about the favourite food was completely different. Manuel’s prefer T- bone steak and Daniela’s love pasta. Not only Manuel but also Daniela keen the Italian cuisine. In contrast, the Spaniard Lorena’s favourite food is sushi.
It was also so nice to hear from them what kind of music prefer. Manuel’s likes alternative rock music. Lorena's prefer RMB band and pop music in general. Daniela’s favourite music is old music.
Finally, my last question was about marital status. All of them are single.
All the best,
Nikt się nie podejmie?
I hope you are well'!' (a dlaczego na niego KRZYCZYSZ? po co to?)
During the last lesson I 'did interviews with' (a dlaczego nie napiszesz 'I interviewed'?) three people: Manuel, Lorena and Daniela and I’d like (cos brak) share (przedimek) results with you.
First of all, I had some questions about (przedimek) biggest regret. Very 'toft' (ortog) query at the beginning. 'Single' (zle slowo, chyba myslisz o 'individual') answers were completely different. Manuel told me THAT he should have finished his degree early. Lorena used to ride a bike, currently 'she’s regret stopped' (tutaj kazde z tych slow jest zle - powinno byc 'she regrets stopping') that and probably she’ll never try again. Moreover, Daniela 'were' (nie rozumiem twgo slowa tutaj) answer she should have started (przedimek) English course when she 'were' (zle slowo) young, 'parallel' (zle slowo - calkowicie jego tu nie rozumiem) like me.
I also wanted some information about (ale czyje? musisz napisac) hobby.
Lorena loves salsa, 'nevertheless ' (zle slowo, dlaczego nie uzyles 'but'?) she never tried (przedimek) salsa lesson in London.
My respondents 'give me also' (zla kolejnosc slow...also gave me') 'the' (niepotr) feedback AS TO why they came to England. Altogether (kto? co? musisz napisac) want to improve 'they' (zle slowo) English and they agree THAT this English course is better than (co? musisz napisac) in the 'inborn' (calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj wystarczy 'mother') country. Personally, I think THAT (ale co? musisz napisac) is (przedimek) very good opportunity for 'study' (zla czesc mowy) English in London because teachers have 'big' (nie, nie uzywaj tak tego slowo, tutaj ono wyszlo zle - ludzie nie maja 'big' experiences, tylko 'extensive, wide' - cos takiego) experiences to teach people from other countries. 'They’ve knowledge what ' (tego cos nie za bardzo lubie nie wiem co chcesz napisac) - exactly you need to know.
I’ve been working as a chef, so I was inquisitive AS TO what kind of food they like. Answers about the favourite food 'was' (ale 'answers' to znaczy l. mnoga, dostosuj czasownik do l. mnogiej) completely different. 'Manuel’s' (nie, co napisales to 'Manuael is', a wystarczy tylko imie) 'prefer' (tu ma byc czas 3os.l.poj - Manuel-he) T- bone steak and 'Daniela’s' (dlaczego dajesz apostrof tutaj, jak tutaj ma byc imie i tylko to) 'love' (to ma byc 3os.l.poj - Daniela-she-) pasta. Not only Manuel but also Daniela ARE keen (cos brak) 'the' (niepotr) Italian cuisine. In contrast, the 'Spaniard Lorena’s' (cos mi tu nie gra, - pomysl) favourite food is sushi.
It was also so nice to hear from them what kind of music (ale kto? musisz napisac) prefer. 'Manuel’s' (wystarczy tylko imie, bez apostr) likes alternative rock music. 'Lorena's' (wystarczy samo imie) 'prefer' (3os.l.poj) RMB band and pop music in general.
Dziękuję Ci terri za podjęcie i sprawdzenie mojego listu. Twoje uwagi bardzo mnie zauczyły. Jak widać jeszcze dużo nauki przede mną. Pozdrawiam


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