proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu

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serdecznie proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu
The kidnappers took Steve to the hut. They tied him to a chair later they left. After that businessman freed himself and ran away. After several hours, he went into the home and saw his wife. She looked confuse. Steve told her about the kidnapping. In the meantime, she wrote a message to Russeila, that Henson escaped. Then Debbie told him that she commissioned his friends kidnap him because she is not happy with him. At the same time, the kidnapper burst into the room and Debbie took a suitcase from behind the chair. In the end she walked out with a friend.
z góry dziękuję
They tied him to a chair (tutaj cos brak, może 'and') later they left. After that (przedimek) businessman freed himself and ran away. 'After' (uzyj inne slowo, ostatnie zdanie tez się tak zaczynalo) several hours, he went 'into the' (niepotr) home and saw his wife. She looked 'confuse' (tutaj czas przeszly).
In the meantime, she wrote a message to Russeila, (tu brak słowa, może 'saying') that Henson (daj tutaj 'had') escaped. Then Debbie told him that she commissioned his friends (brak słowa) kidnap him because she is not happy with him.

Troche nie latwo się polapac, co się dzialo, może wytłumacz to lepiej.
dziękuję za rady
The kidnappers took Steve to the hut. They tied him to a chair and later they left. After that the businessman freed himself and ran away. As several hours, he went home and saw his wife. She looked confused. Steve told her about the kidnapping. In the meantime, she wrote a message to Russeila, saying that Henson had escaped. Then Debbie told him that she commissioned his friends to kidnap him because she is not happy with him. At the same time, the kidnapper burst into the room and Debbie took a suitcase from behind the chair. In the end she walked out with a friend.
niestety pani ograniczyła ilość słów do max. 100-110
As several hours... Naprawdę?
Znasz słowo later? /np/
later było w drugim zdaniu nie chciałam powtarzać a czy poza tym wszystko jest dobrze?
later w 2 zdaniu możesz ominąć;)
cd. They tied him to a chair and left.
Cytat: Aaric
cd. They tied him to a chair and left.

Ja bym to rozwinela...They tied him to a chair with a strong rope and taped his mouth with duck tape.
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