My Holiday-sprawdzenie opowiadania

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Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego opowiadania. Z góry dziękuję.

In July I spent may holiday with my friends Mateusz and Maciej. The place where we were is located by the sea. The city is the only the place in Poland, which located on three islands. We lived one kilometer from port in guesthouse. Every day we visited the city and around, we had dinner in a restaurant close to our guesthouse in the evening. In the first day we visited port. In the port watched affecting ships. After we rode bikes to the lighthouse. Next day we sunbathed on the beach and we swam in the sea. In the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked the promenade where there were boars. I took quite a few pictures. We returned to Poland in the afternoon. On Thursday we went on a cruise in the sea, however, it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because was storm at sea. We were at the disco in the evening, where we met new friends. On Friday morning, we left the sea and came back home.
In August I had placement in accounting office in Oleśnica. Through two weeks I worked in accounting department. In this section works five accountants and secretary. To my duties was laying and numbering of documents and print reports. After I worked in HR department. To my duties was attach documents to personal records. Every day I had thirty minutes break on lunch at noon. My placement lasted a month.
Dopisałem jeszcze 3 zdania.
I live in Bierutów, therefore for the placement I arrived on my car. Every day I worked through 8 hours, after I come back to home. The work started about 8 a.m.
In July I spent may holiday with my friends Mateusz and Maciej. The place where we wereWENT TO is located by the sea. The city is the only the place in Poland, which __ located on three islands. We lived one kilometer from ___ port in __ guesthouse. Every day we visited the city and around, we had dinner in a restaurant close to our guesthouse in the evening. In the first day we visited ___ port. In the port watched affecting SKĄD TO JEST ships. After we rode bikes to the lighthouse. = PO PRZEJECHANIU SIĘ ROWERAMI DO... Next day we sunbathed on the beach and we swam in the sea. In the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked the promenade where there were boars. I took quite a few pictures. We returned to Poland in the afternoon. On Thursday we went on a SEA cruise in the sea, however, it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because was storm at sea. We were at the disco in the evening, where we met new friends.
Wciąż, jeszcze inne błędy w powyższym urywku i reszcie;)
*jeszcze zapomniałem usunąć located w 2 zdaniu bo się powtarzasz w 3;)
In July I spent my holiday with my friends Mateusz and Maciej. The place where we were is by the sea. The city is the only place in Poland, which is located on three islands. We lived one kilometer from the port in the guesthouse. Every day we visited the city and around, we had dinner in a restaurant close to our guesthouse in the evening. In the first day we visited the port. In the port we watched ships, then we went bikes to the lighthouse. Next day we sunbathed on the beach and we swam in the sea. In the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked the promenade where there were boars. I took quite a few pictures. We returned to Poland in the afternoon. On Thursday we went on a sea cruise, however it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because was storm on the sea. On Friday morning, we left the sea and came back home.
In August I had placement in accounting office in Oleśnica. I live in Bierutów, therefore for the placement I arrived on my car. Every day I worked through 8 hours, after I come back to home. The work started about 8 a.m. Through two weeks I worked in accounting department. In this section works five accountants and secretary. To my duties was laying and numbering of documents and print reports. Then I worked in HR department. To my duties was attach documents to personal records. Every day I had thirty minutes break on lunch at noon. My placement lasted a month.

Teraz jest lepiej ?
NA rowerach, tak?
Jak w każdy wieczór jedliscie obiad w te knajpie to tak napisz albo daj 'wieczory', np. i spróbuj szyk poprawić w tymże zdaniu;)
...because there was a storm (kropka) wiadomo że na morzu;)
Dlaczego piszesz IN the first day a potem ON Thursday?
W zdaniu o pracy też popraw tam gdzie jest 'after' zgodnie z moją poprzednią uwagą;)
Nie wiem z tym 'placement', może to coś brytyjskiego;)
Z pewnością będzie można znaleźć dodatkowe błędy;)
* coś przed bikes;)
W dalszej części wciąż zapominasz o przedimkach
W zdaniu o twoich duties jeżeli jest laying i numbering to dlaczego dalej jest print?
Every day I had ___ thirty minutes break on lunch at noon. Dosł: obiadową przerwę;)
Professional practice lepiej niż placement ?
U nas najczęściej mówią Summer job;)
In July I spent my holiday with my friends Mateusz and Maciej. The place where we were is by the sea. The city is the only place in Poland, which is located on three islands. We lived one kilometer from the port in the guesthouse. Every day we visited the city and around. Every evening we ate dinner in a restaurant close to our guesthouse. On Monday we visited the port. In the port we watched ships, then we went to bikes to the lighthouse. Next day we sunbathed on the beach and we swam in the sea. In the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked the promenade where there were boars. I took quite a few pictures. We returned to Poland in the afternoon. On Thursday we went on a sea cruise, however it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because was a storm . On Friday morning, we left the sea and came back home.
In August I had student practice in accounting office in Oleśnica. I live in Bierutów, therefore for the student practice I arrived on my car. Every day I worked through 8 hours, then I come back to home. The work started about 8 a.m. Through two weeks I worked in accounting department. In this section works five accountants and secretary. To my duties was laying and numbering of documents and print reports. Then I worked in HR department. To my duties was attach documents to personal records. Every day I had the thirty minutes break on lunch at noon. My student practice lasted a month.

Teraz jak?
The city (ale nie napisales jakie? mamy zgadywac, czy to jest tajemnica?) is the only place in Poland, which is located on three islands.
Every day we visited the city and 'around' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj trzeba...i otoczenie) .
In the port we watched ships, then we went 'to' (zle slowo) bikes to the lighthouse.
'In' (zle slowo, gdybys czytal Biblie po ang. to niemialbys problemow zpoczatkiem tego zdania) the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked (tu brak slowa) the promenade where there were boars.
On Thursday we went on a sea cruise, however it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because (brak slowa) was a storm .
In August I had (ja dalabym tutaj przedimek) student practice in (przedimek) accounting office in Oleśnica. I live in Bierutów, therefore for the student practice I arrived 'on' (zle slowo) my car. Every day I worked through 8 hours, then I come back 'to' (niepotr) home.
Through (przedimek) two weeks I worked in (przedimek) accounting department. In this section 'works' (ja dalabym 'worked') five accountants and (przedimek) secretary. 'To' (niepotr) My duties (daj tutaj ...consisted of) 'was' (niepotr) 'laying' (nie rozumiem tego slowa, nie wiem co to jest) and numbering of documents and printING reports. Then I worked in (przedimek) HR department. 'To' (niepotr) My duties 'was' (dlaczego piszesz 'was' jak masz 'duties' -l. mnoga) attachING documents to personal records. Every day I had 'the' (zly przedimek) thirty minutes break 'on' (zle slowo, kalka) lunch at noon.

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)!
Tak będą musieli zgadywać
Może być ordering zamiast laying ?
In July I spent my holiday with my friends Mateusz and Maciej. The place where we were is by the sea. The city is the only place in Poland, which is located on three islands. We lived one kilometer from the port in the guesthouse. Every day we visited the city and around. Every evening we ate dinner in a restaurant close to our guesthouse. On Monday we visited the port. In the port we watched ships, then we went the bikes to the lighthouse. Next day we sunbathed on the beach and we swam in the sea. On the third day we crossed the border and we went by train to Albeck in Germany. There, we walked to the promenade where there were boars. I took quite a few pictures. We returned to Poland in the afternoon. On Thursday we went on a sea cruise, however it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because It was a storm . On Friday morning, we left the sea and came back home.
In August I had the student practice in accounting office in Oleśnica. I live in Bierutów, therefore for the student practice I arrived on my car. Every day I worked through 8 hours, then I come back home. The work started about 8 a.m. Through a two weeks I worked in the accounting department. In this section worked five accountants and a secretary. My duties consisted to laying and numbering of documents and printing reports. Then I worked in the HR department. My duties were attaching documents to personal records. Every day I had a thirty minutes break to lunch at noon. My student practice lasted a month.
Napisałem ci wcześniej:
...because THERE was a storm
Every day I had a thirty minutes break to lunch at noon.
również podpowiedziałem: obiadową przerwa = lunch break;)
Jedno THROUGH zmień na inne słowo i nie możesz mieć A przed a drugie THROUGH usuń completnie.
Zaznaczyłem wcześniej minutes ie. thirty minutes;)
Nie mogę sobie wyobrazić tej promenady z dzikami ale zdanie jest ok.:)
To musisz się wybrać do Albeck :)
Do Warszawy tez zachodza. Losie tez
Dzięki za pomoc
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie