„Mistborn: The Final Empire” by Brandon Sanderson is a 'high fantasy' (tego nie rozumiem) novel. It is (brak przedimka) well-written story set in a mysterious land called The Final Empire which is very gloomy and dangerous.
The plot revolves around two primary protagonists: Vin, a half-skaa street urchin who possesses the power of a Mistborn and Kelsier(,) (tutaj nie rozumiem, czy ta druga postac to ..the Survivor, bo jak tak, to daj AND) the Survivor of Hathsin, and one of the greatest mistborn allomancers of all time, the story is partly told from his point of view. (zdanie nie jest za jasne, chcesz dac za duzo detali)
Afterwards, 'Vin' (nie wiem kto to jest, jego wczesniej nie wspominales) is recruited by Kelsier's crew (Hammond, Breeze, Clubs, Dox and Spook) and with Kelsier’s help, Vin discoveres that she is capable of burning ingested metal too.
A dramatic climax occurs when Kelsier dies while dueling with Lord Ruler and his crew, including Vin, 'is' ARE left on their own.
Even 'thought' (zle slowo, tutaj 'though') characters posses a mysterious ability of allomancy, they are very believeable, behave rationally and are always ready for the worst. The author also enables us to look into (brak przedimka) souls of particular protagonists and show us (przedimek) mental images of his unforgottable characters.
If you are looking for a gripping and excellently written fantasy novel, you 'cannot' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj daj 'should' -nie powinnienes) miss Sanderson’s „Mistborn:The Final Empire.” This particular book can 'teach' (ok, ale ja bym dala wiecej academickie slowo) the reader about some important values from which freedom is salient. What is more, it also showS us that we are capable of achieving 'big things' (nie, napisz to troche naukowo) when we 'do' (niepotr) cooperate with other people for mutual purposes. Moreover, it provides a welcome break from (przedimek) set literary texts and boring coursebooks. If you are looking for a masterpiece of fantasy, you simply 'are obligated' (nie, to nie tak - ujmij to inaczej...) to read Brandon Sanderson’s novel.
Nie znam tego, ale moze on pisal cos wczesniej, albo cos pozniej...mozna to jakos wkrecic tutaj. Mozna tez dodac 'evidence' dlaczego myslisz, ze to jest 'excellent writing' np - aluzje do czegos (daj przyklad), mowa (daj przyklad), bo inaczej to musze Ci wierzyc (ze to jest excellent) bo nie mam na to dowodow. :-) .
No i zrob coz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the).