IT was 5.00 am on Monday. 'An' (zly przedimek, tutaj wiesz dokladnie o ktorym mowa, to jest twoj) alarm clock rang. I lazily got out of my bed and looked out (brak slowa) the window-The weather was awful, 'rained' (nie, nie, mowimy was raining) cats and dogs.
I had already prepared my favorite cup, then I reached for the 'can' (ale czego?, tutaj ja bym dala 'tin') .. unfortunately it turned out to be empty! I grabbed a bag, 'an' (dlaczego 'an' - tutaj ma byc 'a', chcociaz 'my' by lepej pasowalo) mobilephone and car keys. I thought „ I would buy (przedimek) big latte at Mcdonalds (duza litera, naszwa wlasna) on the way to work”.
(nie zaczynaj zdan w ten sposob, dodaj 'Just') 10 minutes later I was in front of the well-known fast-food, but to my misfortune, (przedimek) queue was very long. I wondered: „ Do all (przedimek) people suddenly 'ended' (cos tu nie tak, daj inne slowo) coffee in their homes?!”
Ignoring the fact that I was driving the car, I called Kate to tell her 'taht' (ortog) today I’ll (brak BE) a few minutes after 7 AM. suddenly 'i' (duza litera) felt 'the' (tutaj ja dalabym 'an') impact. It could not have been worse- I hit 'in' (niepotr) somebody’s car!
At first I did not recognize him, but after a while I realized that this 'is' WAS my old friend -Billy. 'He 5 years ago went abroad' (nie, daj to zdanie inczej...Five years ....).
Instead of being angry at me, he hugged me and said that he 'is' (was) extremely pleased with this meeting.
Since that fateful Monday, our friendship (daj tu jedno slowo) blossomed anew.