Wypracowanie w gimnazjum

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Juliet,
Hello from USA. I’m here at a sports camp to improve my fit. I’m having a great time so far.
Every day we run, swim and play football. At first runs for long distances were very tiring.
In last evening we go to the forest, where we was running. There was a surprise on the finish.
There we meet our favourite footballer. Later we come to the hotel and we was watching match.
In next weekend we go to the match Borussia Dortmund!
Are you having a nice time
Write back
improve my fit
At first runs for long distances were very tiring. ja bym użył innej formy;)
we was running
There was a surprise on the finish.
There we meet our favourite footballer.
Later we come to the hotel
we was watching
In next weekend we go
dodam to:
At first (brak przedimka) runs for long distances were very tiring.
'In' (zle slowo) last evening we 'go' (zle slowo) to the forest, where 'we was' (?) running.
Later we 'come' (popraw) to the hotel and 'we was' (?) watching (brak przedimka) match.

Are you having a nice time (tutaj powinnien byc znak zapytania)


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