Uprzejma prośba o sprawdzenie REPORT

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This report written by Adam Smith, Relocation Project Manager, to be submitted to The Chief Executive, summarises the responses to our Relocation Questionnaire. The Questionnaire included questions concerning eating, exercise, health care and travel to work.

Catering choices
There is a clear demand for both a staff restaurant, serving hot and cold lunches, and for coffee and sandwich shops. It should be noted that the respondents expect varied lunch option every day. However, apart from lunches, they would like to have the opportunity to eat breakfast, including cooked breakfast and also coffee and pastries. Moreover, around 30% of the interviewees said they would like to bring their own lunches most days and therefore they expect fridges and microwaves near their offices.

Leisure needs
Over 90% of the respondents are in favour of a gym. They are interested in special rooms for exercise classes, like aerobics and yoga, as well as in full gym equipment (weights, running machines etc.). Furthermore, around 20% of the staff said they would like squash or badminton courts and 50 people want to have a swimming pool in the new building.

Medical and health care
Hardly anyone expects a doctor service or dental treatment, on the grounds of patient confidentiality - the vast majority of the interviewees want no access to their medical records. They prefer to have only one doctor, near where they live. Moreover, around 70% of respondents are in favour of a health clinic for things like inoculations or travel advice.

Other expectations
8% of the staff said they would like to have a cycle parking and 200 people are in favour of their own space in an underground parking, even though the car parking was not an option. Only about 100 people want a convenience store, where they could buy for example newspapers, candy, cans of soda or tissues and headache tablets. Furthermore, a lot of interviewees said they fear a terrorist attack and therefore they want some information about evacuation arrangements and fire precautions.

The response rate to the Questionnaire was extremely high - we sent it to about half of the staff and got over 3000 responses (that is around 80%). I was a bit surprised when I heard that 50 people would like to have a swimming pool in our new headquarters. It was almost as surprising as the fact that 100 people want a convenience store, all the more so there are three shops nearby. I expected their numerous requirements concerning eating and leisure needs and I think we should fulfil some of them.

According to my opinion, we should establish a great staff restaurant, serving varied options of lunches and breakfasts. Additionally, we should analyse the viability of putting a fridge and microwave on each floor of the building, for people who want to eat their own lunches. Moreover, a gym is a good idea, because over 90% of the staff are in favour of it. I think we also should send everybody a special booklet about evacuation arrangements and fire precautions to calm their concerns about a terrorist attack. For me, the other requirements are too high and we should give them up.
They are interested in special rooms for exercise classes, like aerobics and yoga, as well as in full gym equipment (weights, running machines 'etc' (nie lubie tego 'etc' - kiedys chodzilam do 'gym' ale nigdy nie widzialam tam aparatury ktora nazywala sie 'etc').

They prefer to have only one doctor, near (tutaj brakuje TO) where they live. Moreover, around 70% of respondents are in favour of a health clinic for 'things' (poszukaj inne slowo) like inoculations or travel advice.

8% of the staff said they would like to have 'a cycle parking' (ciekawe - albo 'a cycle parking space' albo 'cycle parking') and 200 people are in favour of their own space in an underground parking, even though the car parking was not an option.

The response rate to the Questionnaire was extremely high - we sent it to 'about half' (ja bym wolala dokladna liczbe ludzi) of the staff and got over 3,000 responses (that is around 80%).
It was almost as surprising as the fact that 100 people want a convenience store, all the more 'so' (zle slowo, tutaj myslales o AS) there are three shops nearby.

According to my opinion, we should establish a great staff restaurant, serving varied options of 'lunches and breakfasts' (wg mnie jak idziemy w kolejnosc, to najpierw breakfast a pozniej lunch). Additionally, we should analyse the viability of putting a fridge and microwave on each floor of the building(,) (nie potrzeba przecinka) for people who want to eat their own lunches.
I think we 'also should' (zla kolejnosc slow) send everybody a special booklet about evacuation arrangements and fire precautions to calm ('calm' to troche za silne jak dla mnie) their concerns about a terrorist attack. For me, the other requirements are 'too high' (nie, to jest zle okreslenie - za bardzo po polsku- ) and we should 'give them up' (nie, nie mozna 'give them up' bo nic nie mieliscie jeszcze, to jest za bardzo kolokw. - mozna 'disbandon, albo podobne slowo).

They are interested in special rooms for exercise classes, like aerobics and yoga, as well as in full gym equipment (weights, running machines and so on).

They prefer to have only one doctor, near to where they live. Moreover, around 70% of respondents are in favour of a health clinic for services like inoculations or travel advice.

8% of the staff said they would like to have cycle parking and 200 people are in favour of their own space in an underground parking, even though the car parking was not an option.

The response rate to the Questionnaire was extremely high - we sent it to 4000 people of the staff and got over 3000 responses (that is around 80%).

It was almost as surprising as the fact that 100 people want a convenience store, all the more as there are three shops nearby.

According to my opinion, we should establish a great staff restaurant, serving varied options of breakfasts and lunches.

I think we should also send everybody a special booklet about evacuation arrangements and fire precautions to allay their concerns about a terrorist attack.

For me, the other requirements are too excessive and we should give them up (nie udało mi się znaleźć odpowiedniego słowa).
Raczej się nie mówi: according to me/my opinion;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 15 gru 2014
To prawda, co powyżej napisane:
According to (sb) – według (kogoś innego niż ja) – According to the author…

ale są inne wyrażenia, którymi mozemy wyrazic swoją opinię:
In my opinion, I am of the opinion that , I am of the view that , To my mind, etc
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