polecenia do quizu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy poniższe polecenia są użyte poprawnie?

Which word fit best to this sentence?
Which transition word fit best to this sentence?
What type of context clues is used in this sentence?
Which transition words are used in this passage? Only one option have 3 correct answers.
Transition word ‘ also’ in sentence shows:
Transition word ‘as’ in sentence show:
The main idea in this passage is:
Which pattern of organization it is?
Choose the best answers
Look at red underlined sentences/words if necessary.
Only one option is correct.
This sentence is opinion.

Nie ma żadnych literówek/niepoprawnych konstrukcji?
Nieutworzony simple present i brak przedimkow
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 19 gru 2014
W których zdaniach?

This sentence is an opinion
b) a fact
ale co jeszcze?
Transition word ‘as’ in sentence showS
Which word 'fit' (word-it-3os.l.poj) best' (zla kolejnosc slow) 'to' (ja bym zmieniala) this sentence?
Which transition word ''fit' (jw) best' (zla kol slow)to this sentence?
What type of context clues 'is' (clues wg mnie to l. mnoga) used in this sentence?
Which transition words are used in this passage? Only one option 'have' (option-it-3os.l.poj) 3 correct answers.
Transition word ‘ also’ in sentence shows:
Transition word ‘as’ in sentence 'show:' (popraw - dlaczego robisz takie glupie bledy?)
'Which' (mnie tu pasuje lepiej slowo 'what') pattern of organization it is?

This sentence is (tu potrzeba przedimek) opinion.

Pamietaj o tej 3os.l.poj...
Which word best fits in this sentence?
Which transtion word fits the best in this sentence?
Which type of context clue is used in this sentence?
Which transition words are used in this passage? Only one has 3 correct answers.
Transition word also in sentence is
Transition word as in sentence shows
What pattern of organization it is?

Teraz jest Ok?
fits best

nie rozumiem zdań z 'in sentence'
The transition word "also"
zdanie z organization nie jest pytaniem
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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