Krótka wypowiedź o Stevie Jobsie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie pod względem językowym i gramatycznym kilku zdań:

1. Steve Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco.
2. He was an American entreprenueur, marketer and inventor.
3. He founded Apple in 1976 together with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
4. The first product of Apple was computer Apple I.
5. It cost 666,66 USD.
6. In 1977 Steve Jobs built Apple II, which was sold for households.
7. In 1980 Jobs and Apple went public in New York Stock Exchange.
8. In next years Apple produced many of computers (McBook) and phones (iPhone).
9. The company became one of famous companies in the world.
10. Everyone wanted to have iPhone-product for elite.
11. In 2004 he came down with tumor.
12. Steve Jobs died in home on 5 October 2011.

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Cytat: Areroxx
1. Steve Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco.
2. He was an American entreprenueur, marketer and inventor.TO NIE JEST TWOJE SAMODZIELNE ZDANIE.
3. He founded Apple in 1976 together with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
4. The first product of Apple was PRZEDIMEK computer Apple I.
6. In 1977 Steve Jobs built Apple II, which was sold for households. =ZA GOSPODARSTWA DOMOWE. NAPISZ 'INDYWIDUALNYM UZYTKOWNIKOM', UZYWAJAC PRZYIMKA 'TO'
7. In 1980 Jobs and Apple went public in<-ZLY New York Stock Exchange.
8. In next <-ZLE years Apple produced many of <-ZLE computers (McBook) and phones (iPhone).
9. The company became one of famous companies in the world. 'JEDNĄ ZE SŁAWNYCH FIRM' - TAK CHCIALES NAPISAC?
10. Everyone wanted to have PRZEDIMEK iPhone-PRZEDIMEKproduct for PRZEDIMEK elite.
11. In 2004 he came down with PRZEDIMEK tumor.
12. Steve Jobs died in SWOIM home on 5 October 2011.

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Proszę o ponowne sprawdzenie.

1. Steve Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco.
2. He was an American entreprenueur, marketer and inventor.
3. He founded Apple in 1976 together with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
4. The first product of Apple was a computer Apple I.
5. It cost 666.66 USD.
6. In 1977 Steve Jobs built Apple II, which was sold to individual users.
7. In 1980 Jobs and Apple went public to New York Stock Exchange.
8. In subsequent years Apple produced many computers (McBook) and phones (iPhone).
9. Apple became one of the best known companies in the world.
10. Everyone wanted to have a iPhone-a product for a elite.
11. In 2004 he came down with a tumor.
12. Steve Jobs died in him home on 5 October 2011.

Dziękuję za pomoc.[/quote]
12. Steve Jobs died in him home on 5 October 2011.
powinno być " in HIS home".
7. Ja bym dał inny preposition;)
10. Popraw przedimki, (ten drugi zmień na inny);)




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