Proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Nowadays more and more people are leaving Poland to take up studies in the United Kingdom. It could be a great opportunity to develop and gain a lot of experience. However, studying there has also certain drawbacks that people tend to forget about.
There is no denying that studying in the UK have a number of advantages. First of all, you can study at one of the most popular universities in the world, such as Oxford, London or Cambridge. High methods of schooling, developed industry and technology usually make you far more qualified than any graduate in Poland.Last but not least, you can learn English, which is international language, from native speakers. Apart from that, you can get to know foreign cultures, not just British, because the UK is a major direction for people from other countries too. As a result, you see the world from a new perspective.
Although studying in the UK seems to have only advantages, it does have some drawbacks. For instance, Polish people should remember that living in Britain is much more expensive, especially in big cities. Getting to university there, without scholarship can be really hard if you are not wealth. Furthermore, studying there could be impossible for people who do not know the English language. What is more, students ought to remember, that they will probably visit their families few times a year. If you are homesick or miss your friends from Poland, you might find studying in the UK a miserable time.
On balance, studying in the Great Britain have many positive sides but as everything it has also disadvantages. The decision of whether to study in the UK or stay in Poland should be a personal choice.
There is no denying that studying in the UK ZLE -->have
high methods <-- nie bardzo to sie ze soba laczy
wealth - to nie znaczy bogaty
studying in the Great Britain have < samo
Nowadays more and more (musisz napisac ze to sa mlodzi ludzie, bo niestety nie widze, zeby osoby po 60tce to samo robily) people are leaving Poland to take up studies in the United Kingdom. It could be a great opportunity (ale dla kogo? musisz napisac) to develop and gain a lot of experience (w jakiej dziedzinie? jak sie pije, pali i chodzi po ulicy? musisz napisac).
There is no denying that studying in the UK 'have' (popraw) a number of advantages. First of all, 'you' (dlaczego piszesz 'you' - to sie do mnie nie odnosi - ja juz swoje zrobilam, tutasj...a person) can study at one of the most popular universities in the world, such as Oxford, London or Cambridge. 'High' (zle slowo) methods of schooling, developed industry and technology usually make you far more qualified than any graduate in Poland. Last but not least, 'you can learn English' (studies, takie jak wymienilas nie sa po to zeby sie uczyc jezyka, ale tematu ktory studiujesz, ujmij to inaczej), which is (hello? a gdzie przedimek) international language, 'from native speakers' (nie rozumiem o co tu chodzi z tym 'native speakers'). Apart from that, you can get to know foreign cultures, not just (tu cos brakuje, musisz dokladniej okreslic) British, because the UK is a major 'direction' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) for people from other countries too.
Getting to (przedimek) muniversity there, without scholarship can be really hard if you are not 'wealth' (zla czesc mowy - dlaczego nie rozruszniasz czesci mowy?).
What is more, students ought to remember, that they will probably visit their families (tu brakuje pare slow) few times a year.
On balance, studying in the Great Britain 'have' (dlaczego, jak juz wczesniej 'zielonosiwy' napisal, nie rozruzniasz l. popj od l. mnogiej?) many positive sides (przecinek przed 'but') but as everything (tu brakuje slowa) it 'has also' (zla kolejnosc slow) disadvantages.


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