Krótki mail biznesowy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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I wrote to you on 7 December and 11 January and I asked about a invoice (123/2014), which your company should pay to 1 December 2014.

We’re waiting over three months, but your company don’t make a transfer to our account. We need the money, because we must pay to our supplier.

We are reluctant to take legal action to recover the amount, but you leave us no alternative. If you don’t give a transfer in few next days, we will instruct our lawyers about legal steps.

Your faithfully
I wrote to you on 7 December (ktorego roku) and 11 January (ktorego roku) and I 'asked about' (nie, to nie jest profesionalnie, tutaj REQUESTED PAYMENT FOR 'a' (od kiedy dajemy 'a' , tutaj AN) invoice (123/2014), which your company 'should pay' FAILED TO PAY 'to' BY 1 December 2014.

'We’re' (zawsze w calosci...masz tutaj zly czas...WE HAVE BEEN ) waiting FOR over three months, but your company 'don’t' (juz mnie to wscieka - to nie jest tylko zle, ale tez jakis pseudo amerykanism ktory jest najgorsza forma kolokw jezyka, to do tego jest zle, bo tutaj ma byc HAS NOT) 'make' (zly czas MADE) a transfer to our account. We 'need' REQUEST the money IMMEDIATELY, 'because' AS we must pay 'to' (po co to slowo tutaj?) our supplier.

We are reluctant to take legal action to recover thIS amount, but you leave us no alternative. If you don’t 'give' MAKE a transfer in THE few next days, we will instruct our 'lawyers' (nie, to slowo w jez. BeR nic nie znaczy, bo takiego 'stanowiska' niema- tutaj LEGAL SECTION/TEAM/ADVISORS about TAKING THE APPROPRIATE legal steps.
Dziękuję serdecznie za pomoc. Dużo mi to pomogło.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie