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Today teenagers start their music or actor career in earlier and earlier age. It can help them to become a very successful person quicker. However, young people may miss their childhood because becoming a professional musician is not a bed of roses and requires a big effort.

On one hand starting music or actor career in as early age as it is possible seems to have a lot of benefits. Firstly, a young person may more easily and faster learn to imitate other people in natural way. Secondly children or teenagers have a chance to be noticed by sponsors who look for talents. Furthermore, it gives the young people the opportunity to have a head start on the university if they decided to study music or histrionics.

On the other hand, beginning music or actor career at early age has some certain drawbacks. For instance, a little student might have troubles at school. What is more, he or she can miss his childhood, because have less time to meet friends and play with them. Apart from that, a young person might change his mind, and after becoming adult don't want to be musician or actor.

On balance, starting career in early age has many advantages, but drawbacks are also numerous. Parents should remember to not force their kids to anything and from time to time ask them if they still want to perform.
Today teenagers start their music or 'actor' (zle slowo) career 'in' (zle slowo ale brak 2 inne słowa) earlier and earlier age. 'It' (dla mnie, lepiej 'this') can help them to become a very successful person quicker.

On one hand starting music or 'actor career' (nie rozumiem dlaczego piszesz 'actor'?) in as early age as it is possible seems to have a lot of benefits. Firstly, a young person may more easily and faster learn to imitate other people in (brak przedimka) natural way. Secondly (daj tutaj przecinek) children or teenagers have a chance to be noticed by sponsors who look for talents. Furthermore, it gives the young people the opportunity to have a head start 'on' (znowu ta sama kalka z polskiego, you do not go ON a University, you go TO a Uni.. the university if they 'decided' (zly czas) to study music or 'histrionics' (nie znam tego słowa). On the other hand, beginning music or (brak przedimka) 'actor' (zle slowo) career at (przedimek) early age has some certain drawbacks. For instance, a 'little student' (tego nie rozumiem, czy to chodzi o to ze on ma 1 metr wysokości?) might have troubles at school. What is more, he or she can miss his childhood, because (cos tu brak) have less time to meet friends and play with them. Apart from that, a young person might change his mind, and after becoming (przedimek) adult 'don't' (to jest kolokw - nie rob tego, tutaj ..may not) want to be (przedimek) musician or (przedimek) actor.

On balance, starting (przedimek) career 'in' (zle slowo) (przedimek) early age has many advantages, but drawbacks are also numerous. Parents should remember 'to not' (zla kolejność slow, tutaj not to)
force their kids INto anything and from time to time ask them if they still want to perform.