Report - sprawdzenie

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Bardzo proszę o dokładne sprawdzenie pod względem stylistyk, błędów i bogactwa językowego - aktualnie moją największą zmorą jest pisanie po angielsku, jest mi to jednak niezbędne do końcowych egzaminów, dlatego kieruje się zasadą trening czyni mistrza. ;) Proszę o surowe sprawdzenie i wytknięcie najmniejszych błędów. :)

Report of leisure facilities in your hometown. You should explainwhat leisure facilities are availaible and say what problems there are and how the facilities could be improved.

The main purpose of this article is to pay attention on standards of leisure facilities in XYZ , including reliable comments about how to improve problematic areas.
1. Eating out:
TO be honest - there is only one place where everybody goes to. It is a small restaurant with Chinese cuisine near the Main Square. I can tell nothing good about other bars, pubs and so on. Our city is suffering from lack of place where you can eat good (and in reasonable prices!)

2. NIght activities:
Unfortunately, local restaurants are not the worst part of leisure facilities here. Well, citiziens find it difficult to go to the cinema, club or theathre... Why? Because prices are too high for majority! It is unacceptable. Do not be startled when seeing teenagers sitting at main square in the evening. Where could they go out with friends to have fun and do not spend fortune on it? There is no place like that.

3. Sport:
Never have I seen place where all sports objects are in quite low standard. We have a gym - with almost ancient equipment, then - swimming pool in terryifying condtions and contaminated water and pitch -if I can named it pitch - with gravel instead of sward. In which way people can develope their sports interestings if they have no possibilities?
TO sum up:
Should city be more friendly to people, there would be less relocations. So I recommend purchase a new equipment to gym, take care about pitch and swimming pool and finally think up about build cinema or theathre at least. And basically - get the prices lower and make them available to citizens!It would be a great investition and it could have amazing influence on people's satisfaction.
The main purpose of this article is to pay attention 'on' laka z polskiego 'na' tutaj masz zle, slowo ktore potrzebujesz to 'to') standards of leisure facilities in XYZ , including reliable comments about how to improve problematic areas.
'TO be honest' 9nie, nie, nie musisz byc 'honest' tylko napisac faktyczny report, a nie twoja personalna opinie - zacznij to inaczej...It is evident/There is no doubt that )- there is only one place where everybody goes to. It is a small 'restaurant with Chinese cuisine' (a dlaczego nie napisales 'small Chinese restaurant'?) near the Main Square. I can 'tell' (zle slowo, tutaj 'say') nothing good about other bars, pubs and 'so on' (pokaz mi miejsce ktore nazywa sie 'so on' - nie pisz tak, pisz wyraznie, moze 'eating establishments/restaurants'). Our city is suffering from lack of (przedimek) place where you can eat good (ale co? musisz napisac, brakuje rzeczownika) (and 'in' (zle, znowu kalka - tutaj 'at') reasonable prices!)

Well, 'citiziens' (ortog ale i tak, jak dla mnie to nie za bardzo trafne slowo) find it difficult to go to the cinema, club or 'theathre' (blad ortog)... Why? Because prices are too high for (przedimek) majority!
Do not be startled when seeing teenagers sitting 'at' (nie, znowu zle slowo, musisz je przerobic jeszcze raz, 'in the') main square in the evening. Where could they go out with friends to have fun and 'do' (niepotr) not spend (przedimek) fortune on it?

'Never have I seen' (to jest personal opinion, a nie faktual state) place where all sports 'objects' (zle slowo, moze 'equipment') are in quite (tutaj ja dodalabym 2 slowa, 'such a') low standard. We have a gym - with almost ancient equipment, then - swimming pool in terryifying 'condtions' (ortog) and contaminated water and (przedimek) pitch -if I can 'named' (calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj 'call') it (przedimek) pitch - with gravel instead of 'sward' (cos to slowo nie za bardzo mi sie podoba, ale sprawdzilam w moim slowniku i jest ok). In 'which' (zle slowo, kalka z polskiego, tutaj 'what') way 'people can' (zla kolejnosc slow) 'develope' (ortog) their sports 'interestings' (niema takiego slowa, o czym myslisz to 'interests') if they have no possibilities?
'Should city be more friendly' (to dla mnie zaczyna sie jako pytanie, ale chyba cos innego miales na mysli) to people, there would be 'less relocations' (zle gdzie? o tym wczesniej nic nie pisales). So I recommend (przedimek) purchase (brak slowa) a new equipment 'to' (zle slowo, tutaj 'for'-dla) (przedimek) gym, 'take' (zle slowo, daj 'taking') care about (przedimek) pitch and (przedimek) swimming pool and finally thinkING 'up' (niepotr) about buildING (przedimek) cinema or (przedimek) 'theathre' (co sie stalo z tym slowem?) at least. 'And' (nie zaczynaj szdan z 'and' to nie jest funkcja tego slowa w zdaniu - wiem, inni to robia, ale oni nie wieza lepiej) basically - get the prices lower and make them available to (tu brak slowa np. 'all') citizens! It would be a great 'investition' (zle slowo) and it could have amazing influence on people's satisfaction.