Historia z zycie wzieta...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam i mam wielka prośbe...
czy ktoś mógłby mi sprawdzić moje zadanie i ewentualnie je poprawić, byłabym bardzo wdzieczna...

Temat tego zadania brzmi :
Write about an event that has happend in your life. I can by something funny, sad, happy, frightening or something you are proud of. Use adjectives to describe your feelings and adjectives to describe the situation. (Make sure you write in the past tense and also try to include the present perfect).

The story was frightening and funny. About ten years ago when i walked to College I saw something strange. A tall man followed me. I was scared and I wanted safety place. Suddenly, I started to running , becouse bus was nearly at the bus station. This man was running to. He got into the bus like me.
I asked him why he was following me, and he said : I probably found your keys. I was calling you but you didn't reacy for it. I listened to music very loud so I didn't hear him.
safety - zle, to nie jest przymiotnik
started to run
because, too
przedimki przed bus, music
i popraw czasy w mowie zaleznej
He got into the bus... ja bym dał inny przyimek.
Dziekuje bardzo zielone ludki z ang.pl
napisałam to jeszcze raz... proszę możecie mi to sprawdzić, poprawić bo ja już nie wiem co jest nie tak z tym... ah i jeszcze jedna prosba czy to zdanie po polsku przetłumaczycie mi na angielski bo ja tego nie potrafie zrobic... PROSZE!!!

The situation was really serious. Winter, dark, nobody on the street, 6am.
About 2years ago, when I walked to work I saw something strange. A tall man followed me. I was scaring. CZUŁAM JEGO ODDECH NA PLECACH
Suddenly, I started to run, because my bus was nearly at the bus stop.
This man was running too. He got into the bus like me.
I asked him, why he was following me, and he said:
I probably found your scarf. I was calling you, but you didn't react.
I listened to music very loud, so I didn't hear him.
The story was frightening and funny.
Cytat: gabrysia3103
The situation was really serious. Winter, dark, nobody on the street, 6am.
About 2years ago, when I walked PAST CONTINUOUS to work I saw something strange. A tall man followed PAST CONTINUOUS me. I was scaring
About 2 years ago, when I'm walking to work I saw something strange.
A tall man following me.

??? Poprawialm czy znow bledow narobilam :)???
A tall man was following me.
( Chyba tak to powinno byc )
Czy moze sie myle???
A czy ktos moglby jeszcze zobaczyc na temat tego zadania jest powyzej czy czasy sie zgadzaja???
sprawdz w podreczniku, jak wyglada past continuous
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.