Badanie na temat gier

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jestem właśnie w trakcie robienia internetowego kursu obudowie aplikacji mobilnych. i w związku z tym potrzebuje zrobić małe badanie na potrzeby tego kursu (po angielsku). Byłoby mi miło jeżeli ktoś mógłby powiedzieć czy w pytaniach są jakieś błędy. Byłbym również bardzo wdzięczny gdybyście chcieli odpowiedzieć na poniższe pytania, niekoniecznie wszytskie. Z góry dziękuję.

1. How often do you play board games, logic games or strategy games (e.g. chess, scrabble, solving rubik's cube etc.)?

2. Please describe the last time when you played logic games or when you were solving puzlles, crosswords, riddles etc. (without using a phone). Did you do it alone or with your friends?

3. What kinds of games do you play on your phone? You can also give the names of your favourite games.

4. How often do you play games on your phone? How much time do you spend for playing at a time?

5.Please describe the las time when you played games on your phone.

6. When do you play games on your phone? (e.g. while going to school/work, relaxing at home etc.)

7.How old are you?

8.Are you male or female?
1. How often do you play board games, logic games or strategy games (e.g. chess, scrabble, solving rubik's cube PRZECINEK PRZED ETC etc.)?

2. Please describe the last time when you played logic games or when you were solving puzlles<-ORTOGR, crosswords, riddles etc. (without using a phone). Did you do it alone or with your friends? RACZEJ 'WERE PLAYING'. NIE PODOBA MI SIE UZYCIE DWOCH ROZNYCH CZASOW

3. What kinds of games do you play on your phone? You can also give the names of your favourite games.

4. How often do you play games on your phone? How much time do you spend for playing at a time?

5.Please describe the las ORTOGR time when you played games RACZEJ 'A GAME' on your phone.

6. When do you play games on your phone? (e.g. while going to school/work, relaxing at home etc.)

7.How old are you?

8.Are you male or female?
Dzięki wielkie :)