Two months ago something surprising happened to me. I had won a running competitionMOZE NAPISZ KIEDY, in which my school used to fail for years. I didn't except the thing that occurred <-- TO NIE ZDARZYLO WCZESNIEJ? in my school the day after the competition.
My mum woke me up. I realised that I didn't hear<-- NIE WCZESNIEJ? the alarm. It was probably because of the effort in the competition the day before. I didn't feel like going to school, but my mum said 'Mrs Harris phoned a minute ago. I'll pick you up to school PICK UP TO ZNACZY 'ODEBRAC''.
When I get ZLY CZAS to school I thought that everybody were <--ZLA GRAMATYKA on the classes, because the corridor was nearly empty. Miss Courtney was the only visible person. She took me to the gym. I was in a small shock. The whole school was waiting for me there. I noticed a group of my friends. Ani winked to me. I didn't know what was happening. The head teacher asked me to come around, and then began his speech. He congratulated me for the last day<-- CO TO ZNACZY?, talked about the previous competitions which were uttery unsuccessful. Now because of my winning, the school received a big GREAT deal of money which had to be spent on sport promoting.
As a result I received a big envelope. Inside BRAK SLOWA was a month long trip to Brazil! I was speechless. My friends were shouting and clapping. I think that some were jealous couse<-- NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA after I came around they just congratulated me and went home. We didn't have classes that day.
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 14 lut 2015