pytanka 11-22

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
bardzo proszę o poprawienie błędów
11. Should you ever give money to beggars on the street?
• I think I will give money to beggars on the street. They are just the same people as you and I.
• We don’t know what lead these people to this situation
• We should give money to beggars because it makes us feel better.
• Of course, we don’t know what beggars will do with our money
• Life on the streets is very harsh
• Every human beings deserve our help and respect
• But we must remember that some beggars are alcoholics, drug addicts,
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and any other conditions
12. Do you believe in the supernatural or are you a sceptic?
• I don’t believe in the supernatural. I’m very sceptic.
• I think supernatural are our figment of imagination
• Of course, I sometimes have a premonition of something but I think UFO, ghosts witch are not real
• A lot of people believe in the power of dreams – that they are warning us
• Flying saucer, crop circle, little green men are good material in creating a horror

13. Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea?
• In my opinion, capital punishment is a good idea but only for a select group of people. Those that are serial killers and child killers.
• …because nothing else will stop them from harming others.
• But we must remember that that humans have a right to live – it doesn’t always prevent crime
• Cold blooded murders are a product of society
• Capital punishment doesn’t give a chance to change behaviour
• Sometimes we don’t have compelling evidence and will kill someone. Then, 10 years later someone else will found guilty this for example murder. What then?
• Human life deserves special protection
• Capital punishment is a compensation for victim’s family
• Prisons are overcrowded – we pay taxes and they do nothing
• Maybe hard community services are a good solution
14. Who would you rather give money to – a beggar or a chugger (a person collecting for charity on the street)?
• A hard nut to crack but it depends of a person.
• If someone is credible then I will give them money. It doesn’t matter if that person is a beggar or a chugger
• I think I will give money to beggars on the street. They are just the same people as you and I.
• We don’t know what lead these people to this situation
• We should give money to beggars because it makes us feel better.
• Of course, we don’t know what beggars will do with our money
• Life on the streets is very harsh
• Every human beings deserve our help and respect
• But we must remember that some beggars are alcoholics, drug addicts,
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and any other conditions
• I think that using charities to benefit money is awful. There is a great chance that beggar is much more in need than chugger
15. Should euthanasia be legal?
• A hard nut to crack but I think sometimes euthanasia should be legal
• Euthanasia help to kill a big pain a depression of ill person
• Of course, this person should have no mental disorder to decide
• Euthanasia also reduce pain of a family
• If there is no hope for someone it is a good idea
• We must remember that medical treatment cost and could be spent on the others patients who have a chance to survive
• When in vitro is legal why not ending life
• I must add that quality of life such a person is very low
• Euthanasia allows to die with dignity
• But unfortunately euthanasia still will be a legal suicide
• People who are coma are not able to decide
16. What are the pros and cons of being a vegetarian?
• In my opinion there are not many pros of being a vegetarian
• It is cruel and unethical to kill animals for food when vegetarian options are available
• Vegetarians have a low cholesterol
• It is easier to maintain a healthy weight
• risks for most kinds of cancer are greatly reduced
• vegetarians save animals life
• animal products (which aren't organic) tend to have a lot of chemicals (hormones, antibiotics) which are harmful to you.
• Animals live
• More energy efficient
• Ethical reasons
• Religious reasons
• There are many meat supplements now available
• Most products use vegetable oil and are fine to eat
• But there are many cons, I think
• It can be really difficult to eat out, though most restaurants are willing to modify the food for you.
• Vegetarians must take vitamin supplements
• A lot of vegetarians products are very expensive
• Harder to cater for
• Less vegetarian dishes in restaurants
• Cannot eat meat
• Cannot save all animals
• Harder to get protein
17. How are you influenced by advertising?
• In advertisements everything is better than in a real life
• There are many catchy slogans and soundbites
• We believe that buying this specific product will make us better people
• Environment is pristine and there are many colourful things
• Perfect family eat breakfast with a new cereals
• They want to gave us a compelling evidence to buy a product
• People are flawless
• We should be aware customers
• Ideal body from ad doesn’t exist in real life
• Commercials show us beautiful, young, good-looking, happy people and their families In real life everyone have problems, everything isn’t as perfect as we want to be
• no one has a perfect life
• Advertisements want to create a impression of ideal life
• Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t want to buy a product but we do it because we are curious about it
18. All religions view women as inferior to men. Discuss.
• Unfortunately, this abuse is present in most of religion but not in all
• Almost every religions see a woman as a assistant of a man – not as a separate item
• There are no societies in which women enjoy the same opportunities as men but..
• Women in the Catholic religion are treated good. They enjoy almost the same rights as men
• God made men and women to be different, but equal
• Nowadays women are more independent - they earn money and take care of themselves
• .. but there are many women who still depend on men in every aspects of life
• Women are not the only victims of gender discrimination – men are also suffering the same
• A woman plays the role of mother, worker and housekeeper – this means that a woman is always overworked.
19. Religions only benefit men. Discuss.
• I agree with this statement. Women are portrayed as inferior in most religions.
• Some religions have been ok towards women, but the majority not
• It depends on the religion
• In some religions, women can't do important things as men. I think about politics.
• But nowadays there are many strong, intelligent women who hold a very important position
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in past
20. Do you think that, nowadays, there is equality between men and women?
• Yes, I think that nowadays there is equality between women and men.
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in past
• Men also performed nicely as full time fathers but I guess that they feel endangered, because their dominant role is falling.
• More women play important roles in politics (they are leaders)
• There is a promotion of equality of rights
• Women often perform typically male professions
• More and more women are breadwinners.
• Many religions interfere equality
• Everything depends of kind of a religion
21. Should the National Health Service always give treatment to heavy smokers and drinkers?
• In my opinion, everyone should has the right to be treated
• Everyone pays health premium, taxes
• Smoking is an addiction
• Everyone deserves a health care
• There are many complicated reasons why people fail to either stop smoking or drinking
• Smoking is a physical addiction and is incredibly hard to give up
• Sometimes people must change their lifestyle in order for treatment to be safe and effective
• Every human 'beings' (tutaj ma byc l. poj) 'deserve' (dostosuj do 3os.l.poj) our help and respect
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and 'any' (slowow calkowicie nie pasuje tutaj) other conditions
• I’m very 'sceptic' (zla czesc mowy).
• I think (przedimek) supernatural are 'our' (lepiej 'the') figment of (bvrak cos) imagination
• Of course, I sometimes have a premonition of something but I think UFO, 'ghosts witch' (popraw) are not real
• Flying saucer, crop circle, little green men are good material in creating a horror (ale co? stories?)
• But we must remember that 'that' (niepotr) humans have a right to live – it doesn’t always prevent crime
Then, 10 years later someone else will found guilty FOR this for example (przedimek) murder.
• Capital punishment is a compensation for (przedimek) victim’s family
• A hard nut to crack but it depends 'of ' (zle slowo) a person.
• Every human 'beings' (j/w) 'deserve' (j/w) our help and respect
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and 'any' (niepotr) other conditions
• There is a great chance that beggar is much more in need than (przedimek) chugger
• Euthanasia 'help' (it-3os.l.poj - zmien) to kill a 'big' (znowu to slowo 'big' pomysl o czym innym) pain OR a depression of (przedimek) ill person
• Euthanasia also 'reduce' (3os.l.poj) pain of a family
• We must remember that medical treatment 'cost' (treatment-it-3os.l.poj - dlaczego musze Ci to co chwilke przypominac?) and could be spent on the 'others' (zle slowo) patients who have a chance to survive
• I must add that (przedimek) quality of life (brak slowa) such a person is very low
• Euthanasia allows (komu? czemu? musisz napisac) to die with dignity
• But unfortunately euthanasia 'still will' (zla kolejn slow) be a legal suicide
• People who are (brak 2 slowa) coma are not able to decide
• vegetarians save 'animals life' (napisz to inaczej, bo tu masz blad...the lives of animals)
• animal products (which 'aren't' (napisz w calosci) organic) tend to have a lot of chemicals (hormones, antibiotics) which are harmful to you.
• A lot of 'vegetarians products' (pomysl i popraw) are very expensive
• Perfect family eat breakfast with 'a' (nie przed l. mnoga - to tez powinnas juz wiedziec) new cereals
...everything isn’t as perfect as we want IT to be
• Advertisements want to create 'a' (pomysl o tym, tu ma byc przedimek ale inny) impression of (przedimek) ideal life
• Unfortunately, this abuse is present in most of 'religion' (tutaj l. mnoga) but not in all
• Almost every 'religions' (every to l. poj) see a woman as 'a' (zly przedimek) assistant of a man – not as a separate item
• Women in the Catholic religion are treated 'good' (no i tu mamy wyniki slangu - trated WELL).
• .. but there are many women who still depend on men in every aspects of (brak slowa) life
• A woman plays the role of (przedimek) mother, worker and housekeeper – this means that a woman is always overworked.
'I think' (zly czas...tutaj 'ja mysle...nie ja myslalam) about politics.
• But nowadays there are many strong, intelligent women who hold 'a' (niepotr) very important 'position' (ja dalabym l. mnoga, bo wczesniej mowisz 'many women')
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in (przedimek) past
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in (j/w)past
• Men also 'performed' (zly czas - daj terazn.) nicely as full time fathers but I guess that they feel endangered, because their dominant role is 'falling' (nie, zle slowo, daj ...being reduced).
• Many religions interfere (brak slowa) equality
• Everything depends of (przedimek) kind of 'a' (niepotr) religion
• In my opinion, everyone should 'has' (zle slowo-zly czas) the right to be treated

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the), bo to mnie juz zaczyna wsciekac!!
poprawione.. terri tu też 2 uwag nie zrozumiałam - poniżej dałam pytajniki
wielkie wielkie dzięki! Jest już OK?

• Every human being deserves our help and respect
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and other conditions
• I’m very sceptical
• I think a supernatural are the figment of our imagination
• Of course, I sometimes have a premonition of something but I think UFO, aliens are not real
• Flying saucer, crop circle, little green men are good material in creating a horror stories
• But we must remember humans have a right to live – it doesn’t always prevent crime
Then, 10 years later someone else will found guilty for this for example a murder.
• Capital punishment is a compensation for a victim’s family
• A hard nut to crack but it depends on a person.
• Every human being deserves our help and respect
• Lots of homeless have mental disorder and other conditions
• There is a great chance that beggar is much more in need than a chugger
• Euthanasia helps to kill a huge pain or a depression of a ill person
• Euthanasia also reduces pain of a family
• We must remember that medical treatment costs and could be spent on patients who have a chance to survive
• I must add that a quality of life of such a person is very low
• Euthanasia allows terminally-ill people to die with dignity
• But unfortunately euthanasia will still be a legal suicide
• People who are in coma are not able to decide
• vegetarians save a lot of animals
• animal products which are not organic tend to have a lot of chemicals (hormones, antibiotics) which are harmful to us
• A lot of vegetarians products are very expensive
• Perfect family eat breakfast with new cereals
...everything isn’t as perfect as we want it to be
• Advertisements want to create the impression of a ideal life
• Unfortunately, this abuse is present in most of religions but not in all
• Most of religions see a woman as an assistant of a man – not as a separate item
• Women in the Catholic religion are treated well
• .. but there are many women who still depend on men in every aspects of a life
• A woman plays the role of a mother, worker and housekeeper – this means that a woman is always overworked.
I’m thinking about politics.
• But nowadays there are many strong, intelligent women who hold very important positions
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in the past
• In my opinion women are now more independent than in the past
• Men also perform nicely as full time fathers but I guess that they feel endangered, because their dominant role is being reduced
• Many religions interfere an equality
• Everything depends of a kind of religion
• In my opinion, everyone should have the right to be treated
• I think 'a' (zly przedimek) supernatural are the figment of our imagination
• Flying saucer, crop circle, little green men are good material in creating 'a' (niepotr) horror stories
Then, 10 years later someone else will BE found guilty for this for example a murder.
• Capital punishment is a compensation for 'a' (zly przedimek) victim’s family
• There is a great chance that (brak przedimka) beggar is much more in need than a chugger
Euthanasia also reduces (brak przedimka) pain of a family
• I must add that 'a' (zly przedimek) quality of life of such a person is very low
• People who are in (brak przedimka) coma are not able to decide
• A lot of 'vegetarians products' (napisalam wyzej ze to jest zle, tutaj.. vegetarian products) are very expensive
• Advertisements want to create the impression of 'a' (zly przedimek) ideal life
• Most of dalabym przedimek tutaj 'the') religions see a woman as an assistant of a man – not as a separate item
• .. but there are many women who still depend on men in every 'aspects' (every jest tutaj jako l. poj, dlaczego dajesz rzeczownik w l. mnogiej?) of 'a' (niepotr) life

• Many religions interfere 'an' (tego nawet nie rozumiem) equality
• Everything depends 'of' ON - napisalam wyzej ze 'of' bylo zle) 'a' (zly przedimek) kind of religion

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami!!!!!
Nie wklejaj zdan ktore sa ok, bo wtedy trzeba tracic czas na sprawdzanie czegos co jest ok.
rzeczywiscie to ostatnie zdanie bylo bez sensu - chodzilo mi o to ze religia koliduje z rownoscia
• I think the supernatural are the figment of our imagination
• Flying saucer, crop circle, little green men are good material in creating horror stories
Then, 10 years later someone else will be found guilty for this for example a murder.
• Capital punishment is a compensation for the victim’s family
• There is a great chance that a beggar is much more in need than a chugger
Euthanasia also reduces a pain of a family ( jak napisać rodziny chorego)
• I must add that the quality of life of such a person is very low
• People who are in a coma are not able to decide
• A lot of vegetarian products are very expensive
• Advertisements want to create the impression of the ideal life
• Most of the religions see a woman as an assistant of a man – not as a separate item
• .. but there are many women who still depend on men in every aspect of life

• Many religions show no equality between men and women
• Everything depends on the kind of religion


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