5/ tematy+ poprawki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
40. We should raise the drinking age to 21. Discuss.
• It’s ridiculous that you can serve in the military, vote, own a house, marry, change our citizenship before you can drink alcohol
• I strongly believe the drinking age should be raised. Many of these people who are saying no today, are children and young adults, these are more than adults
• Most people who drink usually do it for a special occasion. However, those who drink purely for the purpose of getting drunk make their own choices; I believe that raising the legal drinking age won't help, but education could.
• It should not be raised because everything they have to look forward to comes at 18 so their needs to be something for when their younger and therefore drinking is perfect.
• It gives younger people the chance to do something other than building things like bombs or drugs or any other dangerous things.
41. Is there objectivity in the media or is it all biased?
• The media shouldn’t be biased.
• In an open and developed society most/ all national media/TV/ newspapers should have unbiased view of national and international views. Their job is to to report the news, expressing the view from the both sides and not to give any individual opinions.
• If we want to find unbiased news it is best to use a foreign source than TV. Unfortunately, there is almost no media in this world that is not biased
• Depends what you're watching, but there's always a bias one way or the other and it's sickening either way
• I think most networks, etc are on the one political side (not saying it makes it worse), but there is big time selectiveness when reporting stories that do or don't support their political narratives.
42. Does entertainment have an effect on crime and behaviour of children?
• Kids can think for themselves, and parents refuse to step in.
• A role-playing game where players must commit crimes including homicide, car theft and drug dealing – of course yes
• Youths are very sensitive
• Even though some people have enough power to just play the game, some people like to follow and become like the characters from for example brutal computer games
• The apparent realism in games today makes users mix reality and fantasy
• The parents do not have to buy the game with a lot of violence
• Although the games may have a very huge influence on children, we must remember that they can think for themselves. They know the difference between right and wrong
• It’s also the parents fault . They let the child became addicted to the game by not letting them get away from the game and thus getting them so addicted that they most likely lose all trace of reality and think the game is reality
• Everything is dangerous these days, not only computer games but also our society
• The games become so real nowadays that people think that it’s how the world works, but it’s not.

43. What are some things you admire about Polish culture? Is there anything you would change?
• I admire many things.
• Education is very important – this is what I admire
• Unfortuntely, it is unlikely that people with high education will socialise with those who are not educated
• It is still uncommon for an educated ma to marry a non- educated woman
• Your social class is also decided by your family’s status.
• People from a village are perceived as lower social class
• Polish people are quite emotional
• Polish people like to be in the spotlight all the time
• Flowers at every occasion are very popular
• We admire discussion about religion beliefs

44. Should corporal punishment be practiced? Why or why not?
• There are many reasons corporal punishment should not be used.
• Physical force is sometimes the only way to enforce discipline.
• Corporal punishement should be outlawed in schools
• Being publicly punished is the worst thing for a child
• It is wrong for teachers to beat a student and not go to jail
• When violence is used against children, their faith in adults is damaged
• A child who is hit- learns to hit.
• Children should be treated with respect for their person and personality
• Schools are supposed to be a place of learning and teaching, not a prison
45. Are there any jobs which women shouldn’t do?
• In my opinion, yes
• I don’t see woman as a hard-working minor, a fire-fighter or an electrician
• I think that people will not trust a mechanic who is a woman
• Also a female pilot or a bus driver is distrustful..
• This is very sad, but men think that they are better in many aspects of life
• I think women are at a huge disadvantage in jobs that require physical strength
• Women shouldn't be pilots or mechanics and men shouldn't be nurses. We are more sensitive

46. Does advertising make you buy things? What influence does it have on you?
• As we all know, the Aim of advertising is to encourage people to buy things; if it didn’t work nobody would do it
• We live in a world where people want things immediately, hence
• 0% finance/ no payments for 12 months etc
• I personally only take notice of advertisemets if the product is something that interests me, something I was considering buying ( new bed/car/fridge)
• Unfortunately yes.. there is no problem in it when these things are useful
• Unfortunately, advertisements aren’t always decent, honest and truthful
• In advertisements everything is better than in the real life
• There are many catchy slogans and soundbites
• We believe that buying this specific product will make us better people
• Environment is pristine and there are many colourful things
• Perfect family eat breakfast with new cereals
• They want to give us a compelling evidence to buy a product
• People are flawless
• In advertisements everything is better than in the real life
• There are many catchy slogans and soundbites
• We believe that buying this specific product will make us better people
• Environment is pristine and there are many colourful things
• Perfect family eat breakfast with a new cereals
• They want to give us a compelling evidence to buy a product
• People are flawless
• We should be aware customers
• An ideal body from an ad doesn’t exist in real life
• Commercials show us beautiful, young, good-looking, happy people and their families In real life everyone have problems, everything isn’t as perfect as we want to be
• no one has a perfect life
• Advertisements want to create an impression of an ideal life
• Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t want to buy a product but we do it because we are curious about it
• I don’t see woman as a hard-working minor, a fire-fighter or an electrician major?

Nie dość że teksty są długie że aż oczy bolą:) to jeszcze niektóre zdania się powtarzają.
• In advertisements everything is better than in the real life
• There are many catchy slogans and soundbites
• We believe that buying this specific product will make us better people
• Environment is pristine and there are many colourful things
• Perfect family eat breakfast with new cereals
• They want to give us a compelling evidence to buy a product
• People are flawless
dalej znów to samo:
• In advertisements everything is better than in the real life
• There are many catchy slogans and soundbites
• We believe that buying this specific product will make us better people
• Environment is pristine and there are many colourful things
• Perfect family eat breakfast with a new cereals
• They want to give us a compelling evidence to buy a product
• People are flawless
edytowany przez Aaric: 21 lut 2015
dzięki za napisanie tych zdań ale czy mógłbyś podkreślić/ dać jakąś wskazówkę co poprawić/ jaki błąd ?

Wiem, że długie ale nie chciałam zakładać 50 wątków żeby wszystko sprawdzić. :)


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