Sprawdzenie krótkiego emaila

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Temat: Write to Josie, another close friend. You won't be in Montevideo on November 17th. Explain why. Ask Josie if she can meet Gabi at the airport.

Hi Josie!

I have a bad news. I'm sorry, but I can't go for our meeting in Montevideo on November 17th. Unfortunately, I have a very important exam and I have to learn.

I have one further request. My good friend Gabi is flying to Montevideo next week. Would you mind meeting her at the airport? She has a very important message for you!

We can meet some other time as soon as I have taken my exam. You can suggest the date. I'm sorry once again.

Bye Rita
I have bad news
zamien further na additional
Jeszcze Her plane is landing at Montevideo Airport on friday, 10th of November. She is small (160 cm) and has blond hair. She will be wearing pink jacket. do drugiego akapitu
Dziękuję bardzo :)
go TO our meeting
blonde - o kobiecie
kurtka jest policzalna
Dzięki :)
friday proper noun.
Bye Rita czegoś brakuje, chyba że się z Ritą żegnasz.
Bye, Rita wystarczy?
Czy lepiej zmienić np. na Best wishes,
bye jest ok, to jest list nieformalny
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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