Having famous parents.

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Nowadays almost everybody wants to be famous. What if you are not celebrity, but your parents are. Being kid of a famous parents has advantages and disadvantages what are worth considering.
As the advantages are concerned there is no doubt that being child of a famous people means that your parents can buy you everything you want nd you are given pocket money higer than average teenager. Furthermore when you will be adult you will not have many problems with finding well payed job. You can be who you want: actor, musician, director or anybody else.
However there is a flip side to it. The main drawback of the debated issue is invasion of privacy. It means that you can not go shoping in track-siut and messy hair, because paparazzi do not give you a peace. Moreover your parents do not have time for you. They are always on some events or premieres and you feel lack of affection but you can not change it.
To sum up there is evidence both to support refute the debated issue. Nontheless it is in my firm belief that it is better to have loving parents and no much money than to have everything without affection.
z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc :)
Nowadays almost everybody wants to be famous. What if you are not PRZEDIMEKcelebrity, but your parents are. Being PRZEDIMEKkid<--ZMIEN NA 'CHILD' of aZLY PRZEDIMEK famous parents has advantages and disadvantages what<-ZLE SLOWO are worth considering.
AS FAR AS As the advantages are concerned there is no doubt that beingPRZEDIMEK child of aTO SAMO famous people means that your parents can buy you everything you want nd ANDyou are given MORE pocket money higer thanPRZEDIMEK average teenager. Furthermore when you will be<--ZLY CZAS PRZEDIMEK adult you will not have many problems with finding well payed<--ZLA FORMA job. You can be whoEVER you want: PRZEDIMEKactor, musician, director or anybody else.
However there is a flip side to it. The main drawback of the debated issue is PRZEDIMEKinvasion of privacy. It means that you can not go shoping<--ORTOGRAFIA in PRZEDIMEK track-siut<--ORTOGRAF and DAJ TUTAJ SLOWO messy hair, because paparazzi do not give you a peaceLEAVE YOU IN PEACE. Moreover your parents do not have time for you. They are always on some events or premieres and you feelPRZEDIMEK lack of affection but you can not change it.
To sum up there is evidence both to supportBRAK CZEGOS refute the debated issue. Nontheless it is in my firm belief that it is better to have loving parents and no much money than to have everything without affection.
zielono siwy dziękuję :)
Jaki ma być przedimek przed famous parents?
when you will be<--ZLY CZAS - Jaki mam dać?
well payed<--ZLA FORMA - Jaka jest dobra?
and DAJ TUTAJ SLOWO messy hair, - With?
poczytaj sobie o przedimkach
when YOU ARE
sprawdź jaka jest forma przeszla od 'pay'
tak, with
Dziękuję :)
Masz rację nie zwróciłam uwagi na to że parents to l.mn. :


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