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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższej rozprawki, z góry dziękuję.
Nowadays many people say that a person who obtained a driving licence should be allowed to lead a car only with a sophisticated driver for a year. Introducing such a law has many positive aspects. However, there are also numerous obstacles.
On the one hand, the idea of forbidding fresh drivers from going by a vehicle alone has plenty benefits. Most importantly, it may decrease the number of accidents. As a result, roads are likely to be safer. Furthermore, an individual who has just got a driving licence, has a chance to receive more tips. In the future he may be more confident. Apart from these, predominantly the experienced person who is to help is a family member so the relationships could be improved.
On the other hand, passing a law, which would prohibit fresh drivers from leading a car on their own has certain disadvantages. Firstly, it is hard to find a person who frequently has time to drive with a new licence keeper, so for the first year many fresh drivers would stay away from the car. Secondly, he cannot make his own decisions and may feel confused. Last but not least, citizens may have more expenses if they would pay somebody for instructing them.
On the balance, the proposition to make a law to stop a fresh driver from leading a car alone in the first year from receiving the licence has as many advocates as opponents. The decision of whether to introduce such a regulation should be considered.
Nowadays many people say<--ZMIEN CZAS that a person who HAS obtained a driving licence should be allowed to lead DRIVE a car only with a sophisticated WYSZUKANY? W OGOLE CO CHCIALAS NAPISAC TUTAJ? driver for a year. Introducing such a law has many positive aspects. However, there are also numerous obstacles.
On the one hand, the idea of forbidding fresh drivers from going by a vehicle alone has plenty benefits. Most importantly, it may decrease the number of accidents. As a result, roads are likely to be safer. Furthermore, an individual who has just got a driving licence, has a chance to receive more tips. In the future he may be more confident. Apart from these, predominantly the experienced person who is to help is a family member so the relationships could be improved.
On the other hand, passing a law, which would prohibit fresh drivers from leading <-ZMIEN a car on their own has certain disadvantages. Firstly, it is hard to find a person who frequently has time to drive with a new licence keeper, so for the first year many fresh drivers would stay away from the car. Secondly, he cannot make his own decisions and may feel confused. Last but not least, citizens may have more expenses if they would PO 'IF' NIE DAJE SIE WOULD W ZDANIU WARUNKOWYM pay somebody for instructing them.
On the balance, the proposition to make a law to stop a fresh driver from leading ZMIEN a car alone in the first year from receiving the licence has as many advocates as opponents. The decision of whether to introduce such a regulation should be considered.
Skąd wzięłaś niektóre tłumaczenia, np. prowadzić samochód > leading a car?
Znaczenie fresh driver znam tylko jako ktoś, kto dowozi świeże produkty np do sklepu czy restauracji itp;)
Cytat: Aaric
Znaczenie fresh driver znam tylko jako ktoś, kto dowozi świeże produkty np do sklepu czy restauracji itp;)

nie, to jest 'driver of fresh produce', bo w BrE, a 'fresh driver' to jest ktos, kogo zachowanie idzie troszeczke za daleko...
Dziękuję za odpowiedzi, dla mnie trudność tego wypracowania polegała na problemie w znalezieniu słów które mogłyby zastąpić ciągłe powtarzanie 'drive', 'driver', 'driving licence'.
to nie ma znaczenia, ze powtarzasz te slowka
Dlaczego tlumaczylas to uzywajac vbardzo kiepski translator? Przeciez widac, ze 'leading' to jest prosto z polkiego 'kierowac' - ale w jez. ang. nikt nie 'ead a car' tylko 'drive a car'...

Nowadays many people say that a person who (ja dalabym tutaj 'has') obtained a driving licence should be allowed to 'lead' (zmien to ) a car only with a 'sophisticated' (a jakie cechy ma posiadac ten 'sophisticated' driver - tutaj mowisz po prostu o kims kto juz jezdzil samochodem przez lata) driver for a year.
However, there are also numerous 'obstacles' (to jest zle slowo).
On the one hand, the idea of forbidding 'fresh' (a dlaczego nie uzywasz slowa 'new'?) drivers from 'going by a vehicle' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem - czy on przechodzi kolo tego samochodu?) alone has plenty (tu brakuje slowa) benefits.
Furthermore, an individual who has just got a driving licence, has a chance to receive more 'tips' (jakie napiwki on moze dostac? za to ze jezdzi samochodem?).
Apart from these, predominantly the experienced person who is to help (ale komu ta osoba ma udzielic ta 'help'? )is a family member so the relationships (ale pomiedzy kim? musisz napisac) could be improved.
On the other hand, passing a law, which would prohibit 'fresh' (zmien) drivers from 'leading' (zmien) a car on their own has certain disadvantages. Firstly, it is hard to find a person who frequently has (brak przedimka) time to drive with a new licence 'keeper' (dla mnie to nie za bardzo dobre slowo- mozna tez napisac 'newly-licenced person'), so for the first year many 'fresh' (popraw) drivers would stay away from the car. Secondly, 'he' (a dlaczego nie 'she'? co to? kobiety nie ucza sie jezdzis samochodami?) cannot make his own decisions and may feel confused. Last but not least, 'citizens' (daj inne slowo) may have more expenses if they 'would' (nie, tu masz zle, tutaj daj 'had to' -musieliby) pay somebody for instructing them.
On 'the' (niepotr) balance, the proposition to make a law to stop a 'fresh' (zmien) driver from 'leading' (zmien) a car alone in the first year from (tutaj mozesz dodac ...the date of) receiving the licence has as many advocates as opponents. The decision of whether to introduce such a regulation should be (tutaj mozesz dodac slowo 'carefully') considered.
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