He lived in a ramshackle, small house and often 'hadn't' (moze lepiej daj to w calosc) anything to eat.
He decided to spend it 'for' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj ON) his 'dreamy' (calkowicie zle slowo) trip to Paris. He was very excited and pleasantly surprised because the airport wasn't 'so' (zle slowo) enormous that LEPIEJ AS...AS he'd (tu brakuje slowa, pomysl o czasie) used to 'watch' (zle slowo) in>'--ZLE SLOWO TV. As he was on the point of buying a ticket, he noticed that the screen 'with' (ja bym tutaj dala inne slowo - np 'showing the) arrivals and departures hours was not working. 'The people' (ale tutaj trzeba napisac kto to byl, czy to byli ludzie juz w departures?) became nervous and frantically tried to get some information. Out of the blue, Mark was asked by one of the airport 'manager' (pomysl, tutaj l. mn) to take a paper with departures hours, stand at the balcony and read as loud as he could the (ale jaka? trzeba napisac) information to the crowd. He 'got' (nie za bardzo, tutaj lepiej 'was') dumbfounded, but meekly agreed. Mark started reading the 'info' (w calosci) aloud and very quickly 'aroused' (ja bym tego slowa tutaj nie dala, bo 'arousal' to calkowicie cos innego, kojarzy sie z seksem...ktorego chyba tam nie bylo) everyone's interest. Although he was ashamed (ale czego?) HE proceeded to read the hours. (tutaj ja bym dodala pare tych godxzin i gdzie samoloty lecialy...zeby dodac cos do tej opowiesci, np. 15.00 Tenerife gate 3, 15.30 Dublin gate 4). When the screen got fixed, Mark 'got' (nie uzywaj tego slowa, bo to jest za dziwne slowo do pojecia, pisz normalnie, 'went') down the stairs and became acclaimed by the crowd.