No więc spróbowałem napisać rozprawkę. Mam nadzieję, że wszystkie przedimki są i przepraszam za skąpość argumentów, ale limit słów na to nie pozwala ;)
Temat: Budowa autostrad jest szansą na rozwój kraju, ale stwarza też zagrożenie dla obszarów o wartości przyrodniczej. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz zagrożenia i korzyści wynikające z tego typu projektów.
Whether the government should build (the?) new highways is a moot question for years. Ones say that it can ruin the public budget, the others claim it is a big peril for nature. But what do the people who like traveling think about that case. This is what I am going to discuss in the following paragraphs.
Firstly, the proponents of these investments say that if such a project came off, it would be a great succes, which would most off all attract the emigrants to their homelands.
Secondly, the people who opt in building the highways think that it can bring an unexpectedly huge amount of money from tourism and encourage (the?) foreigners to travel abroad, what would extend the prestige of a visited country.
Nevertheless, it appears to be considerably more opponents than the proponents. Conversely, the opposition claims that this investment is doomed to failure and there is no point in starting it because it would ruin the whole budget and all the citizens would suffer as a result of it.
Furthermore, some people argue that the wildlife should not be disturbed and this would be inevitable while building the new highways because of cutting down the trees, for example.
To sum up, both the proponents and the opponents have the strong arguments to prove their statements, but taking into consideration all them I would follow the opponents. To make a decision whether to spend money on the highways or not it would be proper to have a public debate.
Mam czasem wątpliwości czy dać przedimek 'the' przed rzeczownikiem w liczbie mnogiej który pojawia się po raz pierwszy.