Host Family Letter

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Dear Future Host Family,
My name is Diana. I live in Poland, in small village Chlina near Kraków. My province is very beautiful, especially because of nature and a lot of greenery. I live here with my parents, grandmother, brother and sister. Also we have a cat. I have already finished my high school. I was on the profile of biology, chemistry and geography. My sister name is Sue, she is younger than me about one year, but my brother came on the world, when I was 4 years old. His name is Luke. I have to help my brother with homework. Together with my sister spend time outdoor and we play at tennis, riding a bicycle or skating.
My hobby is science and photography. I won a few times prices for took part in some photography contests. Also I listen a lot of music, very different types. The most like Linkin Park, Florence and the Machine. I was on their concert one year ago. I often ride a bike with my family and my friends or in the winter we skinning. We love spend time together. I very love my family, they are very important to me. In the future I would like to study biotechnology. I interested in science and I think that is perfect subject to study for me.
I am tolerant , so color of your skin or religion which you practice in not any problem for me. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. I passed drive exam on February 6th 2014. I am very careful and reliable driver. I have started the car drive since I graduated driving course. I often taking children my aunt and children’s my mother friend – Izabela and Wojciech to school. The children very trust me and I do not have any problems with them.
Now I write you why should you choose me as your au pair. I love children and spend time with them. I am very cheerful, creative, hard-working, helpful and positive girl. I am responsible and reliable person. I also quickly make contact with children and I know they also like spend time with me. When I bring up with children we did awesome things like building a house on three. I taught them English language and a few English songs. I helped them doing homework from math and English language. A lot of time we spend outdoor, because they like playing football and played at volleyball. I can promise I will care about your children like about my sibling, cousins or other children. I can teach them how to ride on rollers and bicycle, if they cannot yet.
Furthermore I brought up the children in elementary school and they are 6-7 years. I enjoy every minute which I spent with him. We watched a cartoons, played hide and seek, organized them educational games after school and cared about safety pupils on a break. Also I can teach your children speak to Polish, if you are want. Another children who I brought up was Izabela, she is 11 years old and her brother Wojciech, he is 10 years old. Iza interested in horses and she very like painting and writing. I often read her a story and novel before she went to sleep. She also was very energetic and I every day had to imagine a new activities for her. We played with dolls or rode a bike. Sometimes we went for long walk. I prepared her and her brother Wojciech meals and I took them to schoot by car. This boy very likes computer games and football. He was crazy about select Football cards, so we sometimes played at Football. I built with them house on three and cooked a cake, cookies or pancakes.
The year in the USA is definitely a huge chance for me and will be an unforgettable adventure. I’ll can get to know new cultures and new people. During this year I can improve my English and do some educational courses ( it would look very good in my CV in the future). I can gain an unique experience. I am sure that contact with people, who live in other culture, will be interesting. I would like to go to the USA at the end of the September 2015. I want to spend a nice time with cheerful people in a family atmosphere and improve my English. Now you have a little view in my life and me. So if you are interested in my person, contact me and ask about everything, what you want to know. I promise be a good Au-pair.
Yours faithfully,
I live in Poland, in (brak przedimka) small village Chlina near Kraków. My 'province' (dziwne slowo tutaj uzyte) is very beautiful, especially because of nature and a lot of greenery.
I 'was on' (to jest za bardzo po polsku i do tego kolokw - dlaczego nie napiszesz 'I studied'?) the profile of biology, chemistry and geography. My 'sister name' (moja siostra imie?) is Sue, she is younger than me about one year, but my brother came 'on the world' (calkowicie niepotr, za bardzo po polsku- ), when I was 4 years old.
Together with my sister (kto? co? musisz napisac) spend time outdoor and we play at tennis, riding a bicycle or skating.
I won a few 'times' (niepotr) 'prices' (zle slowo, napisalas 'cena') for 'took' (zle slowo, tutaj 'taking') part in 'some' (po co to 'some' to poniza wartosc tych konkursow) photography contests. 'Also' (nioerpotr) I listen TO a lot of music, very different types. 'The most like' (co to jestm dlaczego nie napisalas...ja bardzo lubie...) Linkin Park, Florence and the Machine. I was 'on' (znowu ta polska kalka 'na' tutaj AT) their concert one year ago. I often ride a bike with my family and my friends or in the winter we GO 'skinning' (napewno nie, wiem, ze tego to nie robisz, popraw). We love spendING time together. I 'very love' (napisz to po ang - tak nikt na swiecie Cie nie uczyl - dlaczego robisz takie glupie bledy?) my family, they are very important to me.
I (cos brak) interested in science and I think that IT is (przedimek) perfect subject to study for me.
I am tolerant , so (przedimek) color of your skin or (przedimek) religion which you practice in not any problem for me.
I passed MY drivING TEST on February 6th 2014. I am (przedimek) very careful and reliable driver. I have started 'the car drive' (o czym tutaj piszesz...pomysl co chesz powiedziec) since I 'graduated' (nie, wystarczy 'passed') (przedimek) driving course. I often 'taking' (zle slowo) children OF my aunt and 'children’s' (zle slowo) (cos brak) my 'mother' (cos tutaj brak) friend – Izabela and Wojciech to school. The children 'very trust' (co tu wypisujesz - napisz to biernie) me and I do not have any problems with them.
Now I 'write you' (toi jest tak po polsku ze az strach, napisz...I will explain) why (kto? co?) should 'you' (w zlym miejscu) choose me as your au pair.
I am (przedimek) very cheerful, creative, hard-working, helpful and positive girl. I am (przedimek) responsible and reliable person. I also quickly make contact with children and I know they also like spendING time with me. When 'I bring up with children' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem) we did awesome things like building a house on (przedimek) 'three' (3? popraw).
I helped them 'doing' (zle slowo, tutaj DO) (cos brak) 'homework from math and English language'(nie, napisz...maths and EL homework). A lot of time we spend outdoor, because they like playing football and playING 'at' (niepotr)volleyball. I can promise (komu? musisz napisac) THAT I will care 'about' (zle slowo, tutaj FOR) your children 'like about' (tego nawet nie rozumiem) my sibling, cousins or other children. I can teach them how to ride on rollers and (tu brak 2 slowa) bicycle, if they cannot yet.
Furthermore 'I brought up' (chyba nie, ale nie wiem co chesz powiedziec) the children in (przedimek) elementary school and they are 6-7 years OLD . I enjoy every minute which I spent with 'him.' (dlaczego piszesz 'children' l. mnoga a pozniej piszesz 'him' l. pojedyncza?) We watched 'a' (niepotr) cartoons, played hide and seek, organized FOR them educational games after school and cared about (przedimek) safety (brak slowa) pupils on a break. Also I can teach your children (brak slowa) speak 'to' (w zlym miejscu) Polish, if you are want. Another 'children' (dlaczego piszesz 'children'l. mnoga, jak masz na mysli tylko jedno dziecko?) who I brought up was Izabela, she is 11 years old and her brother Wojciech, he is 10 years old. Iza (brak slowa) interested in horses and 'she very like' (nie wiem kto tak Ciebie nauczyl, juz pare razy tak pisalas, ale to jest zle - poszukaj w podrecznikach) painting and writing. I often read her a story and (przedimek) novel before she went to sleep. She 'also was' (zla kolejnosc slow) very energetic and I every day had to imagine 'a' (niepotr) new activities for her.
Sometimes we went for (przedimek) long walk.
...them to 'schoot' (ortog) by car.
This boy 'very likes computer' (musisz poszukac jak to sie pisze - ale to jest zle) games and football. He was crazy about select Football cards, so we sometimes played 'at' (niepotr, z tym slowem to zmienia znaczenbie co wlasciwie robilisci) Football. I built with them house on (przedimek) 'three' (napisalas 3- a to nie masz na mysli) and cooked a cake, cookies or pancakes.
'I’ll can' (nie, tutaj napisalas 'I will can' - zmien) get to know new cultures and new people. During this year I can improve my English and do some educational courses ( it would look very good in my CV in the future) (nie rozumiem po co to jest napisane - co to kogo obchodzi?). I can gain 'an' (zly przedimek) unique experience.
Now you have a little view inTO my life and me. So if you are interested in 'my person' (to jest za bardzo, za bardzo po polsku, wystarczy 'me'), contact me and ask about everything, 'what' (znowu kalka - tutaj THAT) you want to know. I promise (brak slowa) be a good Au-pair.
Yours 'faithfully'(ja dalabym inne zakonczenie),




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