Opis książki

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Strasznie ostatnio męczę, ale bardzo prosiłabym o sprawdzenie jeszcze jednej rzeczy.

Books are my world. I love forgetting about everything that is going on and spending time in an alternate universes, where I can be whoever I want and experience whatever I want. One of my favourites books is Siewca Wiatru by Maja Lidia Kossakowska. It is a polish fantasy novel published in 2004.
The story is set in a world of angels and demons who have one problem - the God has abandoned the world for no reason. No one knows where has he gone, but they have to deal with it. Demons and angels need to lose their prejudices against each other and work together in order not to let the people on the earth find out about the situation. The main character is Daimon Fray, called Abaddon - a fallen angel, who had died thousand of years ago, however, the God brought him back and made him the choosen one. Now, when the Lord is gone and some dark powers are coming, it is his duty to save the world.
This is a wonderful book, written with a great sense of humor and I think, that everyone, who likes fantasy stories should read it.
choosen - chosen
polish - Polish
favourites - favourite
No one knows where they have gone. Dla niektórych Bóg jest kobietą. Jeżeli w ksiażce jest mowa o "Nim" musi być he zamiast "they"
...and I think that everyone, who likes fantasy stories, should read it.

Do reszty bym się nie czepiał, chociaż zawsze komuś coś nie pasuje. "Lose prejudices" zbytnio nie pasuje. Można napisać get rid of, eliminate, rule out... The God też nie pasuje, raczej God.
Cytat: UndyingStripling
No one knows where they have gone. Dla niektórych Bóg jest kobietą. Jeżeli w ksiażce jest mowa o "Nim" musi być he zamiast "they"
...and I think that everyone, who likes fantasy stories, should read it.

Nie mozna tam dac they, bo zdanie bedzie niejasne. Musi byc he lub she, zalezy jak w ksiazce jest.

W ostatnim zdaniu przecinka przed who i po stories nie powinno byc.

lose their prejudices jest ok

Na poczatku nie powinno byc an przed alternate universes poniewaz an stawiamy tylko przed l. pojedyncza.
hey! Ania z Teksasu! Here's some corrections...

Books are my world. I love forgetting about everything that is going on and spending time in an (ELIMIATE an/a if you're using a plural noun: UNIVERSES ) alternate universes, where I can be whoever I want and experience whatever I want. One of my favourites ( ELIMINATE s--you're descibing a plural noun: books, not book ) books is Siewca Wiatru by Maja Lidia Kossakowska. It is a ( Capitalize P ) polish fantasy novel published in 2004.
The story is set in a world of angels and demons who have one problem - ( no THE if you're refering to capital letter "G" god ) the God has abandoned the world for no reason. No one knows where has he gone, but they have to deal with it. Demons and angels need to lose their prejudices against each other and work together in order not to let the people on the earth find out about the situation. The main character is Daimon Fray, called Abaddon - a fallen angel, who had died thousand of years ago, however, ( no THE ) the God brought him back and made him the choosen one. Now, when the Lord is gone and some dark powers are coming, it is his duty to save the world.
This is a wonderful book, written with a great sense of humor and I think, that everyone, who likes fantasy stories should read it. "

hope that helps :)
Ania from texas hot like salsa :)
Dziękuję za pomoc. :)
Dziękuję za pomoc. :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.