- (efficiency of working time, sickness absenteeism, loss)
nie wiem o co chodzi z tym loss; loss czego?
-I made evaluation financial liquidity at XXX I.n.c.
I evaluated financial liquidity of XXX Inc.
-During my graduate studies I learned to financial analysis, budgeting, financial reporting.
bez to: I learned financial analysis
-I completed postgraduate studies with specialization Controlling and Audit in the company.
…studies in Controlling and Audit.
-My professional skills
appear to be well suited…
I believe that my professional skills
are well suited…. (no reason to be modest; modest people don't get jobs)
Na pewno cos jeszcze przeoczylam, bo sie spiesze. Ogolnie to jest bardzo dobrze napisany list, ale to wszystko mozna napisac krocej. Jesli sprobujesz sam, to moge na to rzucic okiem jutro poznym poludniem Twojego czasu. Mozesz mi wiadomosc wyslac.