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Tumors of the colon and rectum is the third most common cancer in the world in men and second in women. Very important to understand the histology of the tumor and then correlate it with the possibilities of treatment.The tumor microenvironment consists of a variable combination of tumor cells, stromal fibroblasts, endothelial cells and infiltrating leukocytes, such as macrophages, T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DCs). DCs are the most powerful antigen-presenting cells with unique ability to activate and induce clonal expansion of naïve and memory T cells. In nonlymphoid tissues, such as the skin and mucosa, dendritic cells are immature, express S-100 and CD1a. The aim of this study is to evaluated the association between the presence CD1a marker's dendritic cells in the tissue of tumor with cancer staging in adenocarcinoma.
Materials and methods:
This study involved the analysis a randomly selected group of 40 polish patients (15 famels and 25 males, the average age of 68 years) with colorectal cancer from the patient's database in Jagiellonian University Department of Pathology from … to 2013 (?). Among 200 paraffin sections (4(?)-μm thick) were randomly selected 40, which was conducted for immunohistochemical staining for CD1a. This was followed by microscopic evaluation of tumor sections. Dendritic cells were identified by their brown membranous staining pattern, ovoid nuclei, and cytoplasmic flame-like extensions. All cell counts were done using an ocular grid for area of 1 mm2. Descriptive statistics and the Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA by Ranks used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: The number of the immature CD1+ DCs in the tumor stroma correlated with the tumor stage: the lower level of infiltration was found in patients that have advanced tumor stage (p<0,005). Also, the number of CD1-positive DCs in tumor stroma showed negative correlation with the spread to regional lymph nodes (p<0,0049).
CONCLUSIONS: Infiltration by DCs may prevent size or direct extent of the primary tumor and involved nearby lymph nodes in advanced cancer. It may suggest correlation with the clinical prognosis of colorectal cancer patients and chance for new pharmacological treatment which for example might be cancer vaccines
Tumors of the colon and rectum is GUZY JEST? the third most common cancer in the world in men and second MOST COMMON in women. BRAK POCZATKU Very important to understand the histology of the tumor and then correlate it with the possibilities of treatment.The tumor microenvironment consists of a variable combination of tumor cells, stromal fibroblasts, endothelial cells and infiltrating leukocytes, such as macrophages, T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DCs). DCs are the most powerful antigen-presenting cells with unique ability to activate and induce clonal expansion of naïve and memory T cells. In nonlymphoid tissues, such as the skin and mucosa, dendritic cells are immature, express S-100 and CD1a. The aim of this study is to evaluated
oczywiscie znowu ucielo. tym razem przed sekwencją 'znak >, duza litera, bodajze, T'
adminsitracja nic z tym nie robi
In Poland, it is the cause of more than 11 000 deaths per year (2010) and the growth rate incidence continues to grow. Therefore very important to understand the histology of the tumor and then correlate it with the possibilities of treatment.

byłby lepiej? bo nie było wstępu
Tumors of the colon and rectum 'is' (dlaczego masz 'is' - l. poj jak mowisz o wiecej jak jednym tutaj powinna byc l. mnoga) the third most common 'cancer' (dalej mowisz o 2ch - dlaczego rzeczownik nie jest w l. mnogiej?) in the world in men and second in women.
(a gdzie jest poczatek zdania?) very important to understand the histology of the tumor and then correlate it with the possibilities of treatment.
....The tumor microenvironment consists of a variable combination of tumor cells, stromal fibroblasts, endothelial cells and infiltrating leukocytes, such as macrophages, T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DCs). ....(nie mysle, ze to zdanie powinno byc w streszczeniu pracy - tutaj nie opowiadasz wszystko co wiesz na temat, aha, dopiero zobaczylam, ze ty wprowadzasz ludzi w temat, ale musisz to zrobic scisle - tzn jak najmniej slow, ktore wszystko mowia)
....DCs are the most powerful antigen-presenting cells with unique ability to activate and induce clonal expansion of naïve and memory T cells. In nonlymphoid tissues, such as the skin and mucosa, dendritic cells are immature, express S-100 and CD1a.
The aim of this study is to 'evaluated' (dlaczego masz tu czas przeszly?) the association between the presence (tu brak slowa OF) (brak przedimka) CD1a marker's dendritic cells in the tissue of tumor with cancer staging in adenocarcinoma.

This study involved the analysis a randomly selected group of 40 'polish' (zawsze duza litera) patients (15 'famels' (popraw to slowo - nigdy takiego jeszcze niw widzialam) and 25 males, WITH the average age of 68 years) with colorectal cancer from the patient's database in Jagiellonian University Department of Pathology from … to 2013 (?). Among THE 200 'paraffin sections' (tego nie rozumiem) (4(?)-μm thick) were randomly selected 40, which 'was' (dlaczego masz l. poj - was' jak mowisz o 40'?) conducted for immunohistochemical staining for CD1a. This was followed by microscopic evaluation of tumor sections. ........Dendritic cells were identified by their brown membranous staining pattern, ovoid nuclei, and cytoplasmic flame-like extensions.... to jest za dlugie, napisz to krocej.
All cell counts 'were done' (to jest za bardzo kolokwialne, tak to sie mowi na ulicy, a nie w powaznych pracazch) using an ocular grid for AN area of 1 mm2. Descriptive statistics and the Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA by Ranks WERE used for statistical analysis.
The number of the immature CD1+ DCs in the tumor stroma correlated with the tumor stage: the lower level of infiltration was found in patients 'that' (patient to jest czlowiek, a jak mowimy o ludziach to uzywany WHO) have advanced tumor stage (p<0,005). Also, the number of CD1-positive DCs in tumor stroma showed negative correlation with the spread to regional lymph nodes (p<0,0049).
Infiltration by DCs may prevent size or direct extent of the primary tumor and 'involved' (cos mi to slowo sie nie podoba tutaj - nie jestem pewna czy to masz na mysli) nearby lymph nodes in advanced cancer. It may suggest correlation with the clinical prognosis of colorectal cancer patients and A chance for new pharmacological treatment which for example might be cancer vaccines

Dla mnie to jest troszke za dlugie. Popraw, i troche scislej jak opisujesz co i jak.
In Poland, 'it' (jak mowisz o 2 typach, to trzeba THEY ARE, jak mowisz o 1 to mozna uzyc 'is
', nie jestem pewna czy tutaj idzie to ze soba, znaczy czy 'colon' a rectal' to nie sa 2 osobne rzeczy, wtedy uzywamy l. mnogiej) 'is' (l. mn) the cause of more than 11 (przecinek) 000 deaths per year (2010) and the growth rate OF incidence continues to 'grow' (nie, daj tutaj INCREASE). Therefore IT IS very important to understand the histology of the 'tumor' (tylko jednej?) and then 'correlate it' (nie wiem czy to najlepsze okreslenie tego) with the possibilities of treatment.
Dziękuję bardzo :) jeszcze raz to dokładnie przejrzę
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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