Enviromental threats

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Bardzo uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie tym razem reportu. Pytanie pochodzi ze strony: http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/cae/students/writing/makeover/makeover3.htm
You have been asked to write a report for the World Information Organisation on the following topic:
What are the greatest threats to the environment in your country today?
What are the solutions?

The principal objective of this report is to provide a description of the current environmental threats in Poland and to suggest possible solutions to the matter in question.

Current situation
I interviewed several officials from Polish Ministry of Environment to elicit how they view this matter in addition to some random passers-by to see what man on the street thinks about this issue. Most of ministerial officials stated that an enormous carbon dioxide emission is on top of the list of the threats. According to them, it is mostly due to ubiquity of coal-fired power stations and few attempts to increase a number of power plants using renewable resources. Interviewee on the streets gave the same answer as government's officials but also mentioned that an indiscriminate use of chemicals in food production and fly-tipping are mounting concerns. Two of the surveyed said that water pollution is a burning issue. Almost all of the respondents asserted that the government was not doing enough to resolve the problem.

By all accounts, people care about the nature and are disappointed with government’s approach to environmental safety. I would like to draw up a short list of possible solutions:
-limit the emission of carbon dioxide by boosting usage of renewable resources in energy production,
-educate people about possible danger of water and food pollution in order to raise their awareness and change bad habits
-expand sewage system together with increasing a number of sewage treatment plants

I do believe that a strict implementation of these measures may well mitigate the threats.
The principal objective of this report is to provide a 'description' (daj tu inne slowo) of the current environmental threats in Poland and to suggest possible solutions. 'to the matter in question' (niepotrzebne a uzywa slowm kiedy one moga sie liczyc w calosci).

Current situation
I interviewed several officials from Polish Ministry of Environment to elicit (ale co? you elicit 'information') ON how they view 'this matter' (nie pisz tak, to jest za bardzo oficjalne - tutaj potrzeba to, o co chodzi) in addition to 'some' (podaj dokladna liczbe, bo 'some to moze by '2' albo 25') 'random' (w jaki sposob oni byli selekcjonowani - wiek, plec, edukacja - trzeba cos dodac) passers-by to see what (tu brakuje 'a' - to jest a-man-on-the-street) jest man on the street thinks about this issue. Most of (brak przedimka) 'ministerial' (ja dalabym to duza litera) officials stated that 'an enormous carbon dioxide emission is on top' (tu wyglada jakby oni tego wlasnie chcieli - zroz to zdanie tak, zeby najwazniejszy punkt informacji byl pierwszy a nie na koncu) of the list of the threats. According to them, it is mostly due to (brak przedimka) ubiquity of coal-fired power stations and (przedimek 'few' (to znaczy ile - dokladnie - '1' czy 8'?) attempts to increase 'a' (zly przedimek) number of power plants using renewable resources. 'Interviewee' (tu wyglada ze to byla tylko jedna osoba, ale wczesniej napisalas 'some' to znaczy wiecej jak jeden) on the streets gave the same answer as (przedimek) government's officials (daj tutaj przecinek, ) but also mentioned that an indiscriminate use of chemicals in food production and fly-tipping are (ja tutaj dodalabym slowo) mounting concerns. Two of the 'surveyed' (nie, to jest zle sloqo, napisz 'two people questioned') said that water pollution is a burning issue. Almost 'all' (to znaczy ile - narazie tylko piszesz o '2' of...) of the respondents asserted that the government was not doing enough to resolve the problem.

By all accounts, people care about 'the' (niepotr przedimek) nature and are disappointed with (brak przedimka) government’s approach to environmental safety. I 'would like to' (wg mnie niepotr) (mozna dodac 'hereby') draw up a short list of possible solutions:
-limit the emission of carbon dioxide (ale czy z piecow, samochodow - musisz napisac) by boosting (brak przedimka) usage of renewable resources in energy production,
-educate people (w jaki sposob? using media?) about (przedimek) possible danger of water and food pollution in order to raise their awareness and change (tutaj musisz napisac czyje, czy to ludzi, czy tych co to robia) bad habits
-expand (przedimek) sewage system together with increasing a number of sewage treatment plants

Popracuj nad przedimkami. Niektore zdania nie sa 'easy on the eye' nie sa smooth....
edytowany przez terri: 24 sie 2015
Dziękuję, terri.
Ten bardzo ogólny styl, brak dookreślen bierze się z 260 słów limitu, ale postaram się bardziej precyzować myśli. A przedmiki... masakra.