Prośba w sprawdzenie e-mail'u.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Musze napisac email do kolegi z Anglii w ktorym napisze o swoim niedawno spotkanym koledze ze szoly podstawowej ktory bardzo sie zmnienil. Musze:
-opisac jak zmnienil sie spotkany kolega
-napisac jak czuje sie po spotkaniu
-zaproponowac wspolne spoktanie z moim dawnym kolega zeby mogli sie spotkac

Hi Jack,
Thanks for you letter. It was great to hear from you. Recently I met my best friend from elementary school. I want to tell you about him. When I was going with him elementary school, he was short and overweight.He been (?) like a brother to me. ( chcialem napisac ze byl dla mnie jak brat )
Now he is tall and slim. He looks like his father. He's got curly black hair and freckles.
After the meeting I feld good. I find it very exciting. It would be great if you could meet with him. I planed the meeting in holidays. Let me now if you want come.
Write soon,

Bardzo prosze o pomoc. Za kazda okazana mi pomoc wielkie dzieki.
Thanks for you letter. It was great to hear from you. Recently I met my best friend from elementary school. I want to tell you about him. When I was going < --ZLY CZAS, UZYJ SIMPLE PAST with him BRAK SLOWA elementary school, he was short and overweight.He been (?)< -ZLE, UZYJ SIMPLE PAST like a brother to me. ( chcialem napisac ze byl dla mnie jak brat )
Now he is tall and slim. He looks like his father. He's got curly black hair and freckles.
After the meeting I felT good. I find it< -NAPISZ CO very exciting. It would be great if you could meet with him. I planed< -BLAD ORTOGRAF. the meeting in< -ZLE SLOWO holidays. Let me Know if you want BRAK SLOWA come.
Write soon,
Dzieki wielkie.
Thanks for you letter.
He's got curly black hair... ja bym zmienil szyk.