Esej/Felieton po angielsku na temat mojego wyjazdu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu, który napisałem. Bardzo zależy mi na poprawności gramatycznej, ortograficznej, właściwym użyciu a/an/the w zależności od kontekstu, a także słowach zaczynających się wielką bądź małą literą (to też bywało problematyczne jak np. the english language/English?) Dziękuję i pozdrawiam.

Middle Kingdom. I am walking a street, coming across a man bathing his child inside a bucket in the middle of somewhere. Just a moment ago, I ate vegetable dumplings, I could have chosen deep-fried larvas and crickets served in a spicy sauce. Actually, what I am doing here? Ahh, that’s right. I’m attending school here.
The adventure stroke up inconspicuously. I was lying on a sunny beach in Kołobrzeg when I got “that” message. “Your documents in terms of the scholarship are waiting for you in the embassy. Regards. Education Consul.” After a moment of disbelief I understood that in two weeks I will be in China. But so many things and issued still had to be carried out. A call to my parents, they still don’t know. Last time when we had conversation about my scholarship, it was six months ago during posting of my application. Now the dream came true. On September 9th I got to China. Just in the Beijing airport I had an occupation to meet a real Jesus. That is a name of a very sympathetic Palestinian guy who was my roommate until we were separated between different universities where we could study our majors. From the very beginning, people from all over the world accompanied me. One hundred thirty kilometers from Beijing to Tianjin (in terms of urban population it’s the fourth largest city in China) took just above thirty minutes by train. It’s more than getting to the dorm inside the huge campus of my new university*. As it turned out, the people who I had to spend next months of my life were Nelongo - Jehovah's witness of thirty eight years old coming from Angola and Artom – citizen of Sankt Petersburg. Although there were many differences between us, we managed to create quite friendly relations. In the entire group that included one hundred people, just two of them come from Europe. Nevertheless, the fact wasn’t the biggest surprise for me. I met the huge amazement during the first integration event in my school that was a table tennis tournament. The first opponent of mine was a dude coming from mysterious North Korea. Here for the first time I could see a man coming from the country that was presented vividly in the famous “Parade” – the movie of Andrzej Fidyk. Just after the bitter confrontation, I wondered how to start a conversation with a guy as him, and in fact what I could talk with him about. Surprisingly, he began a chat with me first. He greeted me with quite good English and behavior that didn’t deviate from european standards. After a brief talk about Robert Lewandowski that was his favorite football player, he asked me about short introduction of my country. Again I was very pleased when he found the achievements of Maria Curie Skłodowska as an obvious fact (our Nobel Prize Laureate is really famous in China even among six years old children that I had classes with during my first trip to China). When I finished, I asked my mate the same. He admitted that in spite of weak economy, he is very proud of his country. For instance its women national football team is very strong and apart from that they have the most powerful army in the world involving long-distance ballistic missiles that can be used to crash America very efficiently. As the result of the “tremendous” description, I decided to go back to my room in order to repeat some Chinese characters.

On the first school day, when we were taught the most important statements that were necessary to find yourself in the city centre and ask about the way, each of us took a walk to the main street Binjiangdao. After several hours I lost direction in the huge seventeen million of people city. Being sure of my “advanced” communication skills I had a try to start my first dialogue. 天津大学在哪儿?(Where is Tianjin University?)天津什么? (Tianjin what?) 天津大学。(Tianjin University) 天津什么?!(Tianjin what?!) 天津大学!(Tianjin University!) 啊,天津大学! (Aaa, you mean Tianjin University!). In point of fact, the word „university” had been repeated a dozen times before my question was understood. Although, the “university” spoken by me and the “university” spoken by my interlocutor sounded totally the same (according to my friends), but the petite difference between tones blocked the communication efficiently. The ordinary situation made me understand right there I began learning one of the most difficult things in my life.

During my education I was accompanied by a top star – Abel Vicky – Samoa national rugby team player who participated in the Rugby World Cup 2011 in New Zealand. Each of us tried to use the knowledge in practical way. The problem was complex since my Chinese friends preferred to focus on picking up their English rather than pay attention to progress of my Chinese. Frequently during a walk, I was expressing my thoughts using the Chinese language for the sake of listening the answer presented in broken English or fluent Chinglish. Then I decided to enroll to English Corner but at first I marked that I can’t speak English. All members of the club considered my words as an unbelievable and strange fact because they had never seen any white man who has no ability of speaking English. At least the situation pushed them to talk with me in Chinese because none of them could speak Polish or Spanish. What a pity...
The memorable moment that I will keep in mind for the whole life was the day when I joined football team in my university that apart from me contained people from Africa, Caribbean Islands and East Timor. It looked really funny as a result of my bright complexion that made a huge contrast amidst my friends coming from the Dark Continent.

I am really content, that one year ago I was enough tenacious to manage the whole application process and to take the chance of going alone to China. Finally I had got to know, why my parent encouraged a small boy to learn English and Spanish. I greatly appreciate they made me interested in the world that led to bring up in my mind that idea. The year 2[tel]became engraved in my memory for a long time.

*Tianjin University – the oldest university in China established in 1895.
** EP in “Dare To Dream UNNC2.0” AIESEC project in 2013.
I am walking (tu brakuje slowa) a street, coming across a man bathing his child inside a bucket in the middle of 'somewhere' (ja dalabym inne slowo).
Ahh, that’s right. I’m attending (a gdzie jest rzedimek? tez wyjechal na wakacje?) school here.
The adventure 'stroke up' (zla konotacja tego - nie rozumiem) inconspicuously.
After a moment of disbelief I 'understood' (daj inne slowo...real..) that in two weeks (tu brakuje slowa) I 'will' (zly modal, daj 'would') be in China. But so many things and 'issued' (zla forma mowy, tutaj rzeczownik) still had to be carried out.
Last time when we had (przedimek) conversation about my scholarship, it was six months ago during (przedimek) posting of my application. Now the dream 'came' (zly czas) true. On September 9th (a czy rok to jest tajemnica?) I got to China. Just 'in' (zle slowo) 'the' (niepotr) Beijing airport I had an 'occupation' (CO? calkowicie zle slowo) to meet a real 'Jesus' (ja bym uzyla slowa 'saviour'). That 'is' (zly czas - to zdarzylo sie w przeszlosci) a name of a very sympathetic Palestinian guy who was my roommate until we were separated between different universities where we could study our majors.
One hundred (brakuje slowa) thirty 'kilometers' (sprawdz w BrE) from Beijing to Tianjin (in terms of urban population it’s the fourth largest city in China) took just above thirty minutes by train. It’s 'more' (napewno? sprawdz) than getting to the dorm inside the huge campus of my new university*. As it turned out, the people whoM I had to spend (przedimek) next months of my life were Nelongo - Jehovah's witness 'of' (niepotr) 'thirty eight' (nie, daj 38) 'years old' (niepotr) coming from Angola and Artom – 'citizen' (jeden?) of 'Sankt' (sprawdz, tutaj St.) Petersburg.
In the entire group that included 'one hundred' (daj 100) people, just two of them come from Europe. Nevertheless, 'the' (nie, tutaj THIS) fact wasn’t the biggest surprise for me. I 'met' (zle slowo) 'the' (zly przedimek) huge amazement during the first integration event in my school that was a table tennis tournament.
He greeted me with quite good English and (brakuje 'jego' albo przedimka) behavior that didn’t deviate from 'european' (duza litera) standards. After a brief talk about Robert Lewandowski that was his favorite football player, he asked me about (przedimek) short introduction of my country.
He admitted that in spite of (przedimek) weak economy, he is very proud of his country.

After several hours I lost direction in the huge 'seventeen million' (17m) 'of people' (niepotr) city.
...sounded totally the same (according to my friends), but the 'petite' (zle slowo) difference between tones blocked the communication efficiently. The ordinary situation made me understand right there (tu cos brakuje) I began learning one of the most difficult things in my life.

Each of us tried to use the knowledge in (przedimek) practical way.
Then I decided to enroll to English Corner but at first I 'marked' (zle slowo, tutaj 'remarked') that I can’t speak English.

The memorable moment that I will keep in mind for 'the' (mowi sie MY) whole life was the day when I joined (przedimek) football team in my university that apart from me 'contained' (nie za bardzo slowo - moze included) people from Africa, Caribbean Islands and East Timor.

I am really content, that one year ago I was 'enough' (zle slowo, uzyj cos lepszego) tenacious to manage the whole application process and to take the chance of going alone to China. Finally I had 'got to know' (moze come to realize), why my parent encouraged a small boy to learn English and Spanish. I greatly appreciate (the fact that) they made me interested in the world that led to 'bring up in my mind' (cos tu nie tak, popraw) that idea.

Co ty robisz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)...Naucz sie ich, bo to sprawia, ze zdania nie sa correct.


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