Czasy przeszłe- zadanie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam wszystkich. Mam takie zadanie z czasami przeszłymi do sprawdzenia.

Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past forms.

1. Bill was painting his front door when telephone started ringing. He answered the phone and spoke to his friend. Later, he noticed that he had left red fingerprints all over the phone.

2. Did Tomy ring you last night? Yes. He had been waiting for days for you to phone him, but since you had not phoned he sold his motorbike to someone ele.

3. Your hair looked different last night. I know, i wanted to dye it red, but i had not been paying attention when i bought the dye and i did not realise unit it was too late that i had bought the wrong color.

4. One day my sister called me. She did not know what to cook for a dinner party, she had given that evening and she wanted some advice. I gave her some simple recipes but i was surprised that she did not contact our mother. when i asked why, she replied she is one of the guests.

5. Last friday, i walked to work when i saw an old friend i had not been seeing for a long time. i threw my arms around him. he was staring at me with an open mouth. to my horror i realised i had mistaked him for my friend.

Pogrubioną czcionką części które musiałem wpisać w odpowiednim czasie przeszłym. Proszę o sprawdzenie tego zadania i poprawienie moich błędów które na pewno są :)
Ok, tylko pamietaj, ze slowo 'I' - ZAWSZE piszemy duza litera, jak i dni tygodnia tez duza litera.
2. Did Tomy... może 'Tommy' ew. 'Tony'
edytowany przez Aaric: 23 paź 2015
unit it was too late
had mistaked oj, chyba nie;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 23 paź 2015
>>>>unit it was too late
had mistaked oj, chyba nie;)

masz racje, ale mnie zaczelo wkurzac, ze osoba uczaca sie nie wie, ze 'I' piszemy duza litera. To mnie wscieklo i chcialabym wiedziec ktory nauczyciel/lektor tak uczy.
Przepraszam Was za to ,,i". Tam gdzie jest unit powinno być until, a zamiast mistaked mistaken, ale czy zgadzają się czasy w tych zdaniach?
5. Last Friday, i walked to work when i saw an old friend I had not been seeing (tutaj masz ZLE - trzeba I had not seen) for a long time.

Chociaz ja bardzo lubie 'that'...w zdaniach, ale widze, ze jestem tylko jedna osoba na swiecie ktora wie, gdzie powinno to sie uzywac. Szkoda
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.