Moving to a new place

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
POLECENIE: Moving to a new place.
Planning your writing(mamy na srodku napis COMING TO ... a po bokach strzalki w ktorych mielismy wymyslic plan, to jest moj: 

-Reasons for coming

-Family traditional

-Feeling about coming here

-Meeting new people

-Difficult food

You are going to write about yourself, someone you know, moving to a new place.


I coming to the village. I moved to a new place in the village, because my dad restored a house her grandparents(Przeprowadzilismy sie na wies bo moj tata odrestaurowal dom jego rodzicow). The house builded her grandfather in 1949. There is a birthdayplace of my dad.
I was excited when I saw it. My house look amazing. The atmosphere is warmer than in the busy city. The people are more friendly and nicer. The air is freshier and softer.
I moved to a new home with my family on the New Year's Eve. We says goodbye old year and we welcome New Year in the new home. We stayed at home an we had small parties only for groups new met people and family.
This was one of the happier day in my life.
The food here i absolutely difficult is fresh and organic.
The people on the village or small cities are their traditional. The people generally prefer eat and cook at home. ???Przepisy kulinarne przekazywane sa z pokolenia na pokolenie(nie mam pojecia jak to zdanie przetlumaczyc ktos pomoze)???
edytowany przez gabrysia3103: 05 lis 2015